Board of Director's Meeting - October 14, 2015


DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Dan Eaton, Harry Boynton, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson and Tom Goddard

The meeting was called to order at 1904 hours.

GUEST Deputy Chief Joe Sangermano

MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept September 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of September and October 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


* By-Laws Committee - Nothing

* Regional Training Committee - Nothing

* Public Relations Committee - Director Eaton has spoken to NH Chronicle asking them if they would be interested in featuring SWNHDFMA and it history to the region. Director Eaton stated they appeared interested, but they would not be able until later this year.


* Chief Tirrell stated they narrowed the part-time dispatcher applicants down to three and know they need to complete an orientation period. * The letter addressed to the Town of Charlestown regarding payment has been mailed. * Chief Tirrell discussed the license for KCF415 which still has Cheshire County listed on the license, which should have been removed when we removed ourselves from the County. Director Eaton contacted the new County Administrator for assistance in removing the County from the license.

NEW BUSINESS Next month's meeting we will be discussing the 2016 budget.

Chief Tirrell will post for an opening on the Board of Directors.


CORRESPONDENCE - see old business.


The meeting was adjourned at 2011.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid Board of Director's Meeting September 9, 2015

DIRECTORS PRESENT Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Harry Boynton, Tom Redin, Harry Nelson, and Jay Wilson

The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Redin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept August 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Nelson, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August and September 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Redin, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


* By-Laws Committee - Nothing

* Regional Training Committee - Nothing

* Public Relations Committee - This Fall there will be an open house at Head Quarters.


* Chief Tirrell has received 14 applications for the part time dispatcher's position which they have narrowed down to 6 - 8 applicants. The next phase will begin in mid-September. Chief Tirrell is also using this process to fill a full time position.

* The Deputy's position has been filled. There were two excellent candidates at the final round. Congratulations to Lt Tom Redin, Deputy Redin will start his new position on September 28th.

NEW BUSINESS Only new business is the promotion of Lt Tom Redin to Deputy. There was a brief discussion of his role/duties and the role/duties of Deputy Sangermano.


CORRESPONDENCE A draft letter from attorney Prigge was presented and discussed. This letter was in response to a letter received last month by Charlestown's attorney referencing an invoice issued to Charlestown for the second half of their 2015 payment. A motion was made by Director Boynton and second by Director Redin and unanimously voted by the board members present to send the letter presented by attorney Prigge. Motion passes.

OPEN DISCUSSION Director Redin presented a letter of resignation to the Board. The letter was received by Secretary Tillson on behalf of President March. Director Redin felt with his recent promotion it was time for someone else fill the position. Director Redin has been on the Board for 13 years and will be missed.

The meeting was adjourned at 1952.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Board of Director's Meeting - August 12, 2015


DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Vice President Dave Chamberlain, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Harry Boynton, Tom Redin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, and Tom Goddard

The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.


MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept June 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Liller, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a comprehensive report on his monthly activities for the month of July and mid-August 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Redin, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


By-Laws Committee - Nothing

Regional Training Committee - Nothing

Public Relations Committee - This Fall there will be an open house at Head Quarters.

Director Eaton has contacted Adam Secton, a taped interview is scheduled and Director Eaton will try to get Adam to complete a feature on NH Chronicle about SWNHDFMA.


Chief Tirrell has received 14 applications for the part time dispatcher's position which they have narrowed down to 6 - 8 applicants.

Chief Tirrell advised the Board all equipment at the Charlestown site had been removed. The only item not returned is a laptop computer, which the Charlestown Fire Chief stated he will return once he completes his pay roll.


Chief Tirrell advised the Board he will be advertising for a full time dispatcher position.

Chief Tirrell led a discussion on replacing one of the Deputies. Chief Tirrell talked about many different options on how to best replace Deputy Johnson and her current responsibilities including changing the job description. Three people have sent letters expressing interest in the position, the application dead line is August 25th and by mid to end of September a new Deputy will be selected.

Chief Tirrell has received grant money for Vermont Yankee which he has placed into the capital improvement account. This account provides the best interest rate. There was a discussion on how best to utilize this money, however on action was taken.

PERSONNEL ISSUES - There will be two fulltime staff members going out on maternity leave starting around November and December of this year. Chief Tirrell has asked the other staff members to help fill positions for this period of time.

CORRESPONDENCE A letter from Charlestown's attorney was received and discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 2010.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Board of Director's Meeting - June 10, 2015


DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Vice President Dave Chamberlain, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Tom Redin, Tom Goddard, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson and Tom Goddard

The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept May 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a comprehensive report on his monthly activities for the months of May and June 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Redin, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


* By-Laws Committee - Nothing

* Regional Training Committee - Nothing

* Public Relations Committee - This Fall there will be an open house at Head Quarters.

o Director Eaton contacted Adam Secton with NH Chronicle to talk to them about doing a feature on SWNHDFMA sometime after July 1st.

o Director Redin felt it would be a good idea to put together a presentation about how dispatch works. This would be for Firefighters, Town Selectmen, and the general public to understand what they are paying for with the dispatch fees. Chief Tirrell will work on the presentation.


* Chief Tirrell gave an up-date on the current servers which have been received and are installed. Currently they are working on moving all the data to the new servers, which will take about two weeks to complete.

* Chief Tirrell contacted E911 to advise them of Charlestowns status (leaving SWDFMA July 1, 2015).

* Chief Tirrell advised the Board within the next week or two we will be removing the equipment from the Charlestown site.

* Chief Tirrell and President March will be drafting a letter to Towns around Charlestown to inform them about the Charlestown Fire Department leaving dispatch and how this could impact their community.


* Chief Tirrell advised the Board he will be advertising for part time dispatchers.

* Chief Tirrell led a discussion on Deputy Johnson's retirement. Chief Tirrell is looking at many different options on how to best replace Deputy Johnson and her current responsibilities.




The meeting was adjourned at 2000.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Board of Director's Meeting - May 13, 2015


DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Vice President Dave Chamberlain, Treasurer Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Tom Redin, Mike Tksczyk, Dan Eaton, Harry Boynton, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson and Tom Goddard

The meeting was called to order at 1907 hours.

GUEST Chief Cole Streeter and Deputy Chief Real Bazin from the Westminster Fire and Rescue

MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept March 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes and the 2015 Annual meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Boynton, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a comprehensive report on his monthly activities for the months of April thru May 13, 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Boynton, seconded by Vice President Chamberlain, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


* By-Laws Committee - The approved By-Laws will be up-date and emailed to all Directors by then end of the week (Friday May 15, 2015).

* Regional Training Committee - Director Redin asked if the Board members had any speakers they know of who would be willing to provide training. President March has some information he will send to Director Redin.

* Public Relations Committee - This Fall there will be an open house at Head Quarters.

o Director Eaton will contact NH Chronicle to talk to them about doing a feature on SWNHDFMA.

o Director Redin felt it would be a good idea to put together a presentation about how dispatch works. This would be for Firefighters, Town Selectmen, and the general public

to understand what they are paying for with the dispatch fees. Chief Tirrell will work on the presentation.


* Chief Tirrell gave an up-date on the current servers which have been received and are installed. Currently they are working on moving all the data to the new servers, which will take about two weeks to complete.

* The annual meeting was well attended.

* There is a benefit auction for Herb Hurlburt on May 23 at 1030 hours at the Fall Mountain Regional High School.

* Chief Tirrell and President March will be drafting a letter to Towns around Charlestown to inform them about the Charlestown Fire Department leaving dispatch and how this could impact their community.


* President March introduced a new Board member Jay Wilson Captain of Newbrook Fire/Rescue

* A motion was made by Director Redin and second by Director Goddard for the Secretary to cast one ballet vote to re-elect the current set of officers (President March, Vice President Chamberlain, Treasurer Liller and Director Eaton to cast one ballet vote to re-elect Ted Tillson as Secretary. Motion passes

* The Town of Sunapee is shopping for a dispatch and they have approached Chief Tirrell about becoming a member of SWNHDFMA. Chief Tirrell provided some information. They will get back once they have gathered all of their information.

* There was a brief discussion about charging ambulance services for dispatching.

PERSONNEL ISSUES A grievance was settled with the Union without going to arbitration.


OPEN DISCUSSION The Westminster Fire and Rescue Chiefs asked some questions and provided some concerns they have. Their question and concerns were addressed by the Board members. Here are a list of the questions and concerns: Why they are paying $33,000.00 for dispatching fees, they had concerns about the level on non-essential radio traffic on KCF415, They wanted to know what the protocols were for sounding a 1st alarm (Chief Tirrell stated he would send those protocols to them).

The meeting was adjourned at 2100.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

2015 Annual Meeting - April 22, 2015


The annual meeting of the Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid system was called to order at 1910 hours by President Ken March. The Pledge of allegiance was followed by a moment of silence in memory of our fallen members.

President March introduced the members of the Board of Directors who were in attendance: President Ken March, Vice-President David Chamberlain, Treasurer Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Tom Goddard, Harry Boynton, Harry Nelson, Tom Redin, and Chief Phil Tirrell. He also introduced special guest including Deputy Chief Joe Sangermano, Deputy Chief Bonnie Johnson, Dispatchers Virginia Gilman, Ed Mattson, Kevin Kennedy,Corey Conroy, Mike Burke, and Bobby Maynard.

Director Redin read the roll call which showed 45 departments represented.

The 2014 treasurer's report was read and unanimously voted by the members present to accept the meeting minutes as read.

Chief Tirrell presented the following years-of-service awards. Deputy Chief Joe Sangermano, Deputy Chief Bonnie Johnson, Kevin Kennedy, Eric Kazlouskas, and Virginia Gilman were all recognized with outstanding attendance. Both Matt Yeatman and Eric Kazlouskas received for 15 years of service with monogramed wooden pen set. Bobby Maynard received for 20 years of service a clock plaque and Deputy Johnson received for 30 years of service a deputy chief leather helmet.

Chief Tirrell's coordinator's report covered some of the accomplishments of the past year.

* Adding towers to the current simulcast system. * Chief Tirrell talked about the different social media to follow SWNHDFMA and thanked Dispatcher Lt Redin for up-dating. * Chief Tirrell discussed the building renovation what has been accomplished and encouraged everyone to stop by for a tour. * Chief Tirrell briefly spoke about regional training and if anyone know speakers please contact Lt Redin or himself. * Chief Tirrell discussed how the building is being used such as, FFI training, EMT testing, APCO courses etc.. * SWNHDFMA received over $40,775.00 in grant funding over the past year. * Chief Tirrell spoke about some fire fighter response systems such as spotted dog and I AM RESPONDING. Currently the dispatch center is piloting these systems for a few departments. * Chief Tirrell discussed a mutual aid net program and will be requesting information for departments to enter into this program.

Both Deputy Chief Sangermano, and Johnson discussed the following items: Town Liaison, CAD program, Digitize alarms, Communication training, Address up-dates, EM live, and MDC codes.

Secretary Tillson presented the By-Law changes to the membership. A motion was made by Chief Dan Peterson of Goshen and seconded by George Lang of S. Londonderry to accept the by-law changes as written. Roll call of each department representative was taken: 29 votes for Yes and 12 Votes for No and 2 votes Sustained. See attachment for the changes.

New Business Director Liller Chair of the Nominating Committee reported that four board members (Ted Tillson, Larry Daley, Tom Redin and Dave Chamberlain) are standing for re-election. The committee presented a slate of Tom Redin, Jay Wilson to replace Larry Daley, and Dave Chamberlain. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion were made by Chief Weston, seconded by Chief Donaven, to cast one vote by the secretary to accept re-electing to above board members, Director Boynton cast one vote for Ted Tillson and unanimously voted to accept the nominees as directors by the members present.

The meeting adjourned at 21:15 hours Respectfully Submitted, Ted Tillson Secretary

2015 Annual Meeting - April 22, 2015


The annual meeting of the Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid system was called to order at 1910 hours by President Ken March. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a moment of silence in memory of our fallen members.

President March introduced the members of the Board of Directors who were in attendance: President Ken March, Vice-President David Chamberlain, Treasurer Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Tom Goddard, Harry Boynton, Harry Nelson, Tom Redin, and Chief Phil Tirrell. He also introduced special guest including Deputy Chief Joe Sangermano, Deputy Chief Bonnie Johnson, Dispatchers Virginia Gilman, Ed Mattson, Kevin Kennedy,Corey Conroy, Mike Burke, and Bobby Maynard.

Director Redin read the roll call which showed 45 departments represented.

The 2014 treasurer’s report was read and unanimously voted by the members present to accept the meeting minutes as read.

Chief Tirrell presented the following years-of-service awards. Deputy Chief Joe Sangermano, Deputy Chief Bonnie Johnson, Kevin Kennedy, Eric Kazlouskas, and Virginia Gilman were all recognized with outstanding attendance. Both Matt Yeatman and Eric Kazlouskas received for 15 years of service with monogramed wooden pen set. Bobby Maynard received for 20 years of service a clock plaque and Deputy Johnson received for 30 years of service a deputy chief leather helmet.

Chief Tirrell’s coordinator’s report covered some of the accomplishments of the past year.

• Adding towers to the current simulcast system. • Chief Tirrell talked about the different social media to follow SWNHDFMA and thanked Dispatcher Lt Redin for up-dating. • Chief Tirrell discussed the building renovation what has been accomplished and encouraged everyone to stop by for a tour. • Chief Tirrell briefly spoke about regional training and if anyone know speakers please contact Lt Redin or himself. • Chief Tirrell discussed how the building is being used such as, FFI training, EMT testing, APCO courses etc….. • SWNHDFMA received over $40,775.00 in grant funding over the past year. • Chief Tirrell spoke about some fire fighter response systems such as spotted dog and I AM RESPONDING. Currently the dispatch center is piloting these systems for a few departments. • Chief Tirrell discussed a mutual aid net program and will be requesting information for departments to enter into this program.

Both Deputy Chief Sangermano, and Johnson discussed the following items: Town Liaison, CAD program, Digitize alarms, Communication training, Address up-dates, EM live, and MDC codes.

Secretary Tillson presented the By-Law changes to the membership. A motion was made by Chief Dan Peterson of Goshen and seconded by George Lang of S. Londonderry to accept the by-law changes as written. Roll call of each department representative was taken: 29 votes for Yes and 12 Votes for No and 2 votes abstained. See attachment for the changes.

New Business Director Liller Chair of the Nominating Committee reported that four board members (Ted Tillson, Larry Daley, Tom Redin and Dave Chamberlain) are standing for re-election. The committee presented a slate of Tom Redin, Jay Wilson to replace Larry Daley, and Dave Chamberlain. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion were made by Chief Weston, seconded by Chief Donavan, to cast one vote by the secretary to accept re-electing to above board members, Director Boynton cast one vote for Ted Tillson and unanimously voted to accept the nominees as directors by the members present.

The meeting adjourned at 2330 hours Respectfully Submitted, Ted Tillson Secretary