Some pictures of the "soon to be old dispatch" at Fire Mutual Aid. Dispatchers have worked in this room for the past 52 years. It is estimated that the new dispatch center should be occupied in the next week or so. Lots of memories in this old room, but we are very proud of our new dispatch center.

Kassie Dupre (Dispatcher 7) taking a call. It will be some of the last calls taken in this room and probably Kassie's last shift working in this room.

"The Legend" at Fire Mutual Aid, Lt. Ed Mattson. Ed has probably spent the most time in this room of all, working fulltime from 1966 - 1987 and still working part time since 1998.

The crew on tonight. Lt. Ed Mattson, Dispatcher Kassie Dupre and Lt. Tom Redin. This could very well be the last shift that the 3 of them work together in this room.