Fire Mutual Aid

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Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

June 12, 2024


President Ken March, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson and Chief Joe Sangermano.


The meeting was called to order at 1903 hours.

 GUESTS – None


Motion made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Nelson to approve the minutes, motion passed.


Motion made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.

 May 2024 Account Summaries

Operations Checking  $       1,538,491.90 Outstanding  $          813,268.16 MBIA Operation  $               1,889.70 Buyout  $             45,568.64 Reserve  $             42,063.03 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,453.00 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,764.85 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,148.07 Organization Org Checking  $             34,288.27 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



Motion to accept report made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

 Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report

           OLD BUSINESS

·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the Hyland Hill road upgrade project. Director Nelson reported that Westmoreland Highway was willing to provide assistance by means of a truck an operator to haul material.

·         Director Nelson motioned that the System endorse I am Responding. President March Suggested tabling the motion temporarily to allow time to talk further with IaR to negotiate a possible system wide deal/rate. Director Eaton moved to table, Director Bates seconded, motion carried.


·         There was discussion of progress on funding for the radio system upgrades. There was a meeting with NH HSEM Director Buxton, Cheshire County Administrator Chris Coates, Don Bliss and Chief Sangermano to discuss the possibility of using unspent NH secured ARPA funds. The discussion was favorable, based on our project being “shovel ready”.

·         Chief Sangermano advised the Board of an Eversource project that was completed to replace the two utility poles in front of FMA headquarters. The building was on generator power for almost eight hours with no problems.

·         There was discussion about the existing FMA vehicles. It was discussed that the old Car 1 (2017 Chevy Suburban) could be sold, after some mechanical repairs, and a vehicle more suited to the mission of Upfitting and radio maintenance could be purchased. Director Eaton moved to authorize the Chief to purchase a new pickup (and special body) for Upfitting and Radio Maintenance, not to exceed $85,000. Director Nelson seconded, motion carried.

·         President March submitted an updated agreement to the Chief’s contract. Director Eaton moved to accept, Director Nelson seconded, motion carried.

·         There was discussion about what to do about the $550. Annual charge for the current building (Headquarters) mortgage when it was paid off at the end of this year.

·         Election of officers will be next month.

·         There was discussion about having a meeting in October with the Selectboards/Town Administrators.

 PERSONNEL ISSUES –Brief update of an ongoing personnel matter.




 The meeting was adjourned at 2109 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

April 10, 2024


Vice President Jay Wilson, Directors Curtis Barnes, Tom Bates, Harry Boynton, Tom Goddard, Chris Liller, Real Bazin, Harry Nelson and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.

 GUESTS – None



Motion made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Bazin to approve the minutes, motion passed.



Motion made by Director Bazin seconded by Director Nelson to accept report, motion passed.

 March 2024 Account Summaries

Operations Checking  $          947,896.88 Outstanding  $       1,689,709.95 MBIA Operation  $               1,881.43 Buyout  $             45,369.31 Reserve  $             41,879.04 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,451.25 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,739.32 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.90 Organization Org Checking  $             35,005.50 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



Motion to accept report made by Director Boynton seconded by Director Nelson to accept report, motion passed.



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         May 1st will be the annual meeting.

·         Nominating committee member, Director Boynton discussed nominations and adding Marlborough Chief John Manning to replace Director Tillson.

·         We will work on getting a plaque for Director Tillson


·         eDispatches is being tested by a few departments, so far it is working well.

·         Spotted Dog will be changing to I am Responding at some point.

·         There is a meeting set up at Hyland tower to discuss a solution to the fuel for the future, for making it better. The meeting is May 1st.

·         Fiber connection is being worked on to swap out old microwave systems.

 PERSONNEL ISSUES –Chief is working on some issues, and will report back to us.




 The meeting was adjourned at 1948 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Curtis Barnes, Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 13, 2024


President Ken March, Directors Curtis Barnes, Tom Bates, Harry Boynton, Tom Goddard, Dan Eaton

and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.

 GUESTS – Chris Coates Cheshire, County Administrator and Chief Chad McMurrer CCEMS.

 A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director Boynton to move to new

business so our guest could share what they had for the Directors. Motion passed.

 Mr. Coates spoke about meetings being held to help our system with grants to try and help the

funding of upgrades to our communications.

 Chief McMurrer gave us an update on the operations at Cheshire County Ambulance.


Motion made by Director Boynton seconded by Director Barnes to approve the minutes, motion passed.



Motion made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.

 February 2024 Account Summaries

Operations Checking  $          958,854.20 Outstanding  $       1,877,229.38 MBIA Operation  $               1,872.90 Buyout  $             45,163.55 Reserve  $             41,689.11 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,450.36 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,726.35 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.81 Organization Org Checking  $             35,002.53 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



Motion to accept report made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         May 1st will be the annual meeting.

·         3 people have been interviewed, 1 person has been hired full time.


·         More meetings are going to happen to try and help with securing grants.

·         There will be more help starting in the upfitting and in radio repair.

·         The nominating committee will be looking at nominations for the annual meeting.








The meeting was adjourned at 2033 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Curtis Barnes, Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

February 14, 2024


President Ken March, Vice President Jay Wilson, Directors Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Harry Boynton, Chris Liller and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.

 GUESTS – None


Motion made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Liller to approve the minutes, motion passed.



Motion made by Director Boynton seconded by Director Nelson to accept report, motion passed.

 January 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          592,712.03 Outstanding  $       2,401,779.97 MBIA Operation  $               1,864.98 Buyout  $             44,972.54 Reserve  $             41,512.79 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,449.53 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,714.21 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.73 Organization Org Checking  $             34,999.75 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



Motion to accept report made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Boynton to accept report, motion passed.



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

 Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Assessments are already coming in.

·         The last candidate from the hiring list, Michelle Kovacs, has started her training.



·         We have recently purchased two new voters and a new GPS unit. The voters will be used for replacement and a spare and the GPS will be a spare. We also need to purchase a base radio (Motorola GTR series) for one of our sites. Chief Sangermano suggested we might want purchase two, as it would be a good idea to have a spare, especially considering the delivery time. A motion was made by Director Liller to purchase two new base radios and seconded by Director Boynton, motion passed.

·         Chief Sangermano reported that he has made contact with Lt. French. Lt. French has been in contact with the NH Retirement System and is working out the details of his retirement.

·         Interviews were completed for fulltime Dispatcher, with Colby Howard, Anthony Fry and Mike Powers.

·         Chief Sangermano had information on a wage study for salary adjustments for the Deputies. A motion was made by Vice President Wilson in favor of the salary adjustments and seconded by Director Boynton, motion passed.

·         The tentative date for the Annual Meeting is April 24. Nominating Committee is Director Boynton and Director Nelson.




 OPEN DISCUSSION – Chief Sangermano made the Board aware of a trial period that Fire Mutual Aid was doing with E-Dispatches. E-Dispatches is a company that rebroadcasts calls/audio over cell phones.


The meeting was adjourned at 2028 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

January 10, 2024


President Ken March, Directors Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Tom Bates and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.

 GUESTS – None


Motion made by Director Eaton second by Director Nelson to approve the minutes, motion passed.


Motion made by Director Nelson second by Director Bates to accept report, motion passed.

 December 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          498,640.78 Outstanding  $       2,740,637.78 MBIA Operation  $               1,847.89 *Nov Buyout  $             44,560.59 *Nov Reserve  $             41,132.53 *Nov Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,448.65 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,701.24 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.64 Organization Org Checking  $             34,996.78 Outstanding  $               6,750.00


Motion to accept report made by Director Barnes Second by Director Nelson to accept report, motion passed.


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

 Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report

            OLD BUSINESS

·         Gift cards were purchased and handed out, they were well received.


·         The 2024 Assessments have been mailed out.

·         Cheshire County EMS is now covering the City of Keene.

·         4 new people have been through training, 1 has left, another one that was on the waiting list will start training soon.




OPEN DISCUSSION – There was discussion about CAD notifications. Also, discussion about radio issues in Hancock.

 The meeting was adjourned at 2025 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Barnes, Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

December 13, 2023


President Ken March, Directors Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Tom Bates, Real Bazin, Harry Boynton and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUESTS – None


Motion made by Director Eaton second by Director Boynton to approve the minutes, with an amendment that vestment in the retirement has not passed yet, motion passed with the amendment


Motion made by Director Bazin second by Director Nelson to accept report, motion passed.

 November 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          590,524.83 Outstanding  $          614,620.99 MBIA Operation  $               1,847.89 Buyout  $             44,560.59 Reserve  $             41,132.53 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,447.76 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,688.28 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.56 Organization Org Checking  $             34,993.81 Outstanding  $               6,750.00


Motion to accept report made by Director Nelson Second by Director Bazin to accept report, motion passed.


By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report

                 OLD BUSINESS

·         Staff meeting will be held on 11-30


·         The staff meeting was held on 11-30, the Chief feels it went well

·         One letter of intent was sent for a grant

·         Chief Sangermano spent 12-12 in D.C. talking to state reps trying to obtain grants, he feels the day went well

·         A motion was made by Director Boynton and second by Director Bazin to get gift cards for the staff with the same amount as last year, the motion passed with three Directors abstaining from voting

·         There was discussion if Cheshire county ambulance would like to just go by County to help with some confusion, the chief will ask them.

·         The Chief is still working on pay raises for the deputy’s

·         The Dispatchers are eager for the Directors to stop into dispatch on our meeting nights.





 The meeting was adjourned at 2028 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Barnes, Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 8, 2023


President Ken March, Directors Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUESTS – None


Motion made by Director Nelson second by Director Goddard to approve the minutes, motion passed.




Motion made by Director Nelson second by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.

 October 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          759,065.56 Outstanding  $          490,329.00 MBIA Operation  $               1,831.13 ** Buyout  $             44,156.32 ** Reserve  $             40,759.35 ** Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,446.01 ** Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,662.76 ** Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.38 ** Organization Org Checking  $             34,987.96 ** Outstanding  $               6,750.00

**September figures, no October statement yet


Motion to accept report made by Director Bazin, Second by Director Boynton to accept report, motion passed.


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Staff meeting will be held on 11-30


·         The sewer line continues to be a problem, a plan is in the works to fix it

·         No grants in the works at this time, There is a meeting on 11-21 to discuss grants

·         Jay French is still on leave until 2/24/24

·         2 new people have started working in dispatch

·         The budget for next year was presented, it has a 3.50% increase from this year, a motion to accept the budget was made by Director Eaton and second by Director Boynton, motion passed.

·         First net had a meeting, they are putting up a tower in Keene

·         Retirement system had a revamp, people will now be vested after 5yrs.

·         Director Goddard stated that Putney and Rockingham are having evaluations done on there towns CAD system, Chief Sangermano is helping with this process.

·         Repairs to the building have been done by Mike Powers





 The meeting was adjourned at 2020 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Barnes, Secretary

 Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

Ocotber 11, 2023


President Ken March, Directors Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUESTS – Deputy Chiefs Tom Redin and Kassie Lunderville.


Motion made by Director Nelson second by Director Goddard to approve the minutes, motion passed.


Motion made by Director Nelson second by Director Goddard to accept report, motion passed.

 September 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,027,473.97 Outstanding  $          450,817.95 MBIA Operation  $               1,822.98 Buyout  $             43,959.80 Reserve  $             40,577.95 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,446.01 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,662.76 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.38 Organization Org Checking  $             34,987.96 Outstanding  $               6,750.00


Motion to accept report made by Director Nelson Second by Director Bazin to accept report, motion passed.


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

 Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         The two new part-time Dispatchers are almost through their training. They will be scheduled for “third person” coverage as soon as they are ready and two more candidates will start training as soon as possible.


·         MacKenzie Rokes has asked for a leave of absence until Dec. 31

·         Meeting with Nate Midolo about the outcome of the meeting on 9/13 and how to proceed.

·         Tri Mountain Paramedics now have a monitor tone of their own in an effort to simplify alerting when there is a request.

·         The sewer line continues to be a problem, a plan is in the works to fix it.

·         Lyndeborough will be switching to MACC Base for dispatching services in Dec.

·         Capital Area Dispatch left off useable parts for our radio console.

·         Checking into cell phones for the Deputies.

·         Working on raises for the Deputies.



            OPEN DISCUSSION –

 The meeting was adjourned at 2037 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Barnes, Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

September 13, 2023


President Ken March, Vice President Jay Wilson, Directors Tom Goddard, Real Bazin, Chris Liller, Tom Bates, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Deputy Chief Tom Redin, Deputy Chief Kassie Lunderville and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUESTS –Dispatchers

MacKenzie Rokes, Chelsea Amato, Alyssa Abbott, Virginia Foote, Ashton Nyre, Erik Kazlouskas, Colby Howard, Joe Bevilacqua and Rene Doyle were present as was Jeremy LaPlante as a union representative. President March explained that the Dispatchers had been invited and that the regular meeting would be temporarily suspended while we talked with them. President March advised that we would be entering into nonpublic session. Jeremy LaPlante advised that we couldn’t do that citing Weingarten Rights, that the Dispatchers had reason to believe that they could be disciplined and they were entitled to representation. President March disagreed. Jeremy LaPlante said that if we continued with nonpublic session and he had to leave, he would suggest that the Dispatchers leave also. After a very brief discussion, President March affirmed the Board’s position. At that point, Jeremy LaPlante and the Dispatchers left the meeting, with the exception of MacKenzie Rokes. The Board had a very brief discussion with MacKenzie, thanking her for coming to the meeting and then she left.  


The August minutes were read. A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director Bazin to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.

 August 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,141,018.59 Outstanding  $          501,395.43 MBIA Operation  $               1,822.98 Buyout  $             43,959.80 Reserve  $             40,577.95 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,445.15 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,650.21 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.30 Organization Org Checking  $             36,031.61 Outstanding  $               6,750.00


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.


By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         The Part-time hiring process has produced 5 candidates, 4 to train as soon as possible and 1 remaining, on a hiring list.

·         The Consolidated Communications fiber connection to Hyland Hill has been completed and tested at both ends by CCI.

·         Most of the parts for the new microwave have arrived and have been paid for.   


·         There was some discussion about the events that had just transpired with the Dispatchers. President March suggested that the Chief contact our lawyer and arrange a meeting.

·         Director Eaton made the board members aware of a FirstNet Authority meeting for the State of NH, in reference to coverage issues, on September 20, 2023 at the NH Fire Academy.

·         There was discussion about SOG’s/SOP’s and job descriptions.





 The meeting was adjourned at 2008 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem

 Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

August 9, 2023


President Ken March, Directors Harry Boynton, Tom Bates, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Chris Liller, Curt Barnes and Chief Joe Sangermano.

The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.



The July minutes were read. A motion was made by Director Bazin and seconded by Director Boynton to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

July 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,164,910.30 Outstanding  $          810,929.21 MBIA Operation  $               1,806.66 Buyout  $             43,566.17 Reserve  $             40,214.60 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,442.52 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,611.74 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,147.04 Organization Org Checking  $             36,022.53 Outstanding  $               6,750.00


By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·           Chief Sangermano gave an update on the Part-time hiring process. One candidate, JD Morse has started training and several applicants have been scheduled for observation.

·           Chief Sangermano met with Superior Plus Propane at Hyland Hill today. Superior owns Rymes, and Rymes set the bulk tank that fuels the State of NH’s generator. We are hoping that Superior can develop a solution to streamline our current 18 100lb. tank setup, possibly in collaboration with the State.


·            A grievance has been filed on behalf of several Dispatchers that the organization inadvertently omitted hours from their checks involving a holiday. Chief Sangermano reported that the administration had been made aware of the issue and had taken steps to correct it well prior to receiving any notice of grievance. Additionally, only one of the affected Dispatchers made direct contact with the Chief, or anyone else from the admin staff, in reference to the issue.

·           After some discussion, it was agreed that the BOD would meet next month with Deputies Redin and Lunderville on September 6, and then with the Dispatchers on September 13.

PERSONNEL ISSUES –Chief Sangermano gave an update on several personnel issues that were handled or ongoing.

CORRESPONDENCE-Chief Sangermano read/distributed complaints from Winchester and Fitzwilliam Fire Departments involving Cheshire County EMS.



 The meeting was adjourned at 2036 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Curtis Barnes, Secretary

 Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 12, 2023


President Ken March, Directors Harry Boynton, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin, Chris Liller and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUEST – None


Motion made by Director Eaton to table until next month, second by Director Goddard, motion passed.


Motion to table, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of June. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report.

 June 2023 Account Summaries unavailable


By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report


. Colby Howard has been working in dispatch as Primex couldn’t see any liability concerns.

. The building on Hyland will be getting some minor repairs and then painted


. The changeover to Consolidated for the phone lines is done.

. Looking into different options for gas at Hyland tower, to have in place before winter. Chief Sangermano will be meeting with Superior Plus in August.

. We are down 3 part-time dispatchers. Will be running a hiring process.


                     . Numerous issues were brought to the attention of the board.


The retired New Ispwich chief sent a letter to dispatch thanking everyone  for all they do.

South Londonderry sent a thanks for great communication during the flood.


 The meeting was adjourned at 20:44

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Director Curtis Barnes, Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

May 10, 2023


President Harry Boynton, Directors Tom Bates, Ken March, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Chris Liller, Ted Tillson and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUEST – Chief Spain, Cheshire County EMS


The March minutes were read. A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director Wilson to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 May 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,415,174.75 Outstanding  $          979,248.46 MBIA Operation  $               1,791.42 Buyout  $             43,198.63 Reserve  $             39,875.33 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,441.63 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,598.78 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,146.95 Organization Org Checking  $             36,019.47 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Chief Sangermano explained to the Board that the price of the Hyland Hill microwave replacement was grossly misquoted. At the March meeting, the Board had voted to authorize the Chief to expend up to $15,000.00 to replace the aging system, whereas the actual figure was $83,138.51. The problem was that the Chief had presented figures based on an inaccurate quote, obtained from an uninformed source, not in writing. After some discussion a motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Liller and voted unanimously by the board members present to proceed with the purchase and replacement of the microwave at the updated price.

·         The new vehicle was picked up on 4/20 and Chief Sangermano reports that it is in the shop awaiting up-fit.

·         Chief Sangermano reports that we have changed waste disposal services from Waste Management to Monadnock Disposal Service at considerable monthly savings.   


·         Chief Sangermano briefly reviewed the March snowstorm, the power outage to Hyland Hill, the refueling operation and Eversource’s priorities relating to that site.  

·         David Bryce has resigned from his full-time dispatch position and Chelsea Amato, previously part-time, has been hired full-time to fill the vacancy.

·         Chief Sangermano reports that our up-fitting division is now an authorized Whelen distributor/up-fitter.

·         Chief Sangermano brought the Board up to speed on the events of the last week and a half concerning Diluzio Ambulance Service going out of service permanently.

·         Consolidated Communications delivered a quote for a 3M Point to Point fiber (ELINE) connection from FMA Headquarters to the Hyland Hill site. This would be a back up to the microwave and would also provide circuits for monitoring equipment and security. The quote was $557.26/month and includes the connection hardware and service. All other fees, including installation and purchase, would be waived. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and voted unanimously by the board members present to authorize the Chief to proceed with fiber (ELINE) connection, contingent on confirming the price/proposal.


  •    Election of Board Officers

    • President – Ken March was nominated by Director Liller, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present.

    • Vice President – Jay Wilson was nominated by Director Liller, seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present.

    • Treasurer – Chris Liller was nominated by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present.

o   Secretary – Curt Barnes was nominated by Director March, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present.


 CORRESPONDENCE-Chief Walker, on behalf of Peterborough Fire & Rescue, sent a letter thanking the staff for the “exceptional job they did assisting with our incident while juggling several other first alarm fires along with the “typical” daily call volume”, in reference to a first alarm brush fire on April 12, 2023.

 North Walpole Fire & Rescue Department posted on their Facebook account, in part, “thanks to the quick thinking and strong work of our dispatchers at Fire Mutual Aid, a text message of the gps coordinates was sent to 45C1 via cell phone, which helped us locate the patient rapidly”. This was in reference to an injured hiker on Fall Mountain on April 27, 2023. The injuries were severe and the rescuers were not having much success locating the patient until the coordinates were sent. Once located, the patient was transported to a waiting helicopter and flown to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.



 The meeting was adjourned at 2022 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 8, 2023


Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Tom Bates, Ken March, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1859 hours.

 GUEST – None


The February minutes were read. A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director March to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 March 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,351,397.59 Outstanding  $       1,140,810.24 MBIA Operation  $               1,770.85 Buyout  $             42,702.33 Reserve  $             39,417.22 Radio Repair RS Checking  $             10,436.09 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,561.58 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,146.70 Organization Org Checking  $             36,010.68 Outstanding  $               6,750.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         The Annual Meeting of Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid will be held on April 26, 2023 at the Keene Country Club, 755 West Hill Road, Keene. Apparatus display will be at 1730 and the meeting will start at 1900.


·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief explanation of the microwave connection from Dispatch to Hyland Hill, including a description of the equipment. It is old and outdated equipment that is not supported in terms of repair or parts. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to authorize the Chief to replace the microwave system from Dispatch to Hyland Hill, including the connection to the Gilsum site, up to $15,000.00.

·         Chief Sangermano updated the board on recent discussions with Cheshire County about possible funding for the communications upgrades. There was updated information available from Northern Border (VT & NH), Broadband Commission and Senator Shaheen’s office. This information will be presented at the Annual Meeting.

·         The Ham club (Amateur Radio) has offered to clean up and paint/stain the exterior of the building at Hyland Hill.

·         Chief Sangermano reported that a staff meeting of FMA was held on February 16.

·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the main/major requirement of a drone program, an FAA Part 107, Remote Pilot Certificate.    

 PERSONNEL ISSUES –There was discussion about if Colby Howard’s return to Dispatch would be




 The meeting was adjourned at 2054 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

February 8, 2023


President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Chris Liller, Ken March, Tom Bates and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.

 GUEST – None


The November minutes were read, a motion was made by Director Nelson, and second by Director March to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 February 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          670,248.73 Outstanding  $       2,124,368.16 MBIA Operation  $               1,764.16 Buyout  $             42,541.08 Reserve  $             39,268.37 Radio Repair Checking  $             10,438.20 Capital Reserve Capital Reserve  $          152,548.62 Capital Improvement Capital Improve.  $               5,146.61 Organization Checking  $             36,007.63 Outstanding  $               6,750.00 


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Director Nelson inquired about the status of the WiValley building at the Fitzwilliam site. Chief Sangermano confirmed that the building was for sale for $10,000.00 and that it would be sold, even if it meant that it would be moved. Any replacement, building or cabinet, would be at least that much when figuring purchase, installation and moving equipment. A motion was made by Director Liller and seconded by Director Nelson to purchase the building at the best possible price, no check has been issued yet. Still working on the agreement for this.


·          A request has been made for 2 monitor tones for Swanzey, and for Tri Mountain medics to help Londonderry ambulance.

·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief explanation of the power outage at Hyland Hill.

·         The Annual Meeting will be held on April 26, 2023

·         A nominating committee was established for elections at the Annual Meeting, the members are, Directors Liller, Nelson and Wilson.




 The meeting was adjourned at 1952 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Curt Barnes, Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

January 11, 2023


President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Ken March, Tom Bates and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.

 GUEST – Chief Mike Spain Cheshire EMS


The November minutes were read, a motion was made by Director Eaton, and second by Director Nelson to approve, motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Bazin seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of December. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 January 2023 Account Summaries

Checking  $          909,583.25 Outstanding  $       2,290,944.13 MBIA Operation  $               1,764.16 Buyout  $             42,541.08 Reserve  $             39,268.37 Radio Repair Checking  $             10,438.20 Capital Reserve  $          152,548.62 Capital Improvement  $               5,146.61 Organization Checking  $             36,007.63 Outstanding  $               6,750.00 


 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the phone & internet upgrade with Consolidated. Phone lines successfully switched, working on internet switch.

·         Budget will be up 2% for 2023

·         Director Nelson inquired about the status of the WiValley building at the Fitzwilliam site. Chief Sangermano confirmed that the building was for sale for $10,000.00 and that it would be sold, even if it meant that it would be moved. Any replacement, building or cabinet, would be at least that much when figuring purchase, installation and moving equipment. A motion was made by Director Liller and seconded by Director Nelson to purchase the building at the best possible price, no check has been issued yet.


·          President Boynton explained that the contract negotiations had been settled, details were discussed briefly, will be reviewing the changes

·          2023 assessments have been sent out. It was discussed and confirmed that the Non-Dispatched Member assessments would reflect the same 2% increase.

·         Upgrades to the system, should have more info in the 1st quarter

·         Looking into marketing firms to help promote the organization/website, Communicators Group & Jeff Whitcomb

·         A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded, discussed and unanimously voted by the members present that Fire Mutual Aid sell both vehicles (2006 Ford F-350 Pickup & 2010 Ford Expedition) to Cheshire County at a price to be negotiated by the Chief and the County Administrator, and authorize the Chief to purchase a replacement vehicle. The Pickup to be delivered immediately and the Expedition to be delivered upon receipt of an up-fitted replacement.


·          There was discussion about the status of a current employee and their accessibility regarding the Dispatch Center. Chief Sangermano was asked to investigate further.



 OPEN DISCUSSION – Chief Spain Cheshire EMS was on hand to talk about the mission for their EMS service and to answer questions from the board.

 The meeting was adjourned at 2017 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Curt Barnes, Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

December 08, 2021



                President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Jay Wilson, and Dan Eaton

 The meeting was called to order at 1912 hours.

 GUEST – None.


A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.


            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.


November 2021 Account Summaries

Operations Checking  $          588,610.17 Outstanding  $          427,514.54 MBIA Operation  $               1,735.18 Buyout  $             41,842.91 Reserve  $             38,623.91 Radio Repair Checking  $             10,433.56 Capital Reserve  $          152,436.04 Capital Improvement  $               5,145.85 Organization Checking  $             42,023.04 Outstanding  $               6,750.00 



  By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report

 Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated they are working to fill some vacancies, one full time opening. A fulltime employee resigned to take another job closer to home. The Chief stated they are working to fill the position from the current hiring list they have. There was a lengthy discussion on this topic.

 ·         Chief Sangermano stated an email was sent out explaining firehouse/ESO to all departments.  

 ·         Chief Sangermano stated they interviewed someone for a part time administrative assistance and they are waiting to hear back from them.


·         A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Real and unanimously voted by the board members present to provide $100.00 gift cards to the dispatchers as a holiday gift. Motion Passed.



CORRESPONDENCE – Inquiry by Chief Lund of New Ipswich on the formula of dispatch fees.


 The meeting was adjourned at 2013 hrs

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 16, 2022


Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Chris Liller, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton and Chief Joe Sangermano.


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None.



The October minutes were read, a motion was made by Director Nelson, and second by Director Bazin to approve, motion passed.



Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of May. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.


October 2022 Account Summaries

Checking $1,103,105.02

Outstanding $269,099.33

MBIA Operation $1,752.35

Buyout $42,256.47

Reserve $39,005.65

Radio Repair

Checking $10,434.44

Capital Reserve $152,502.75

Capital Improvement $5,146.35


Checking $38,782.53

Outstanding $6,750.00




By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the phone & internet upgrade with Consolidated. Phone lines successfully switched, working on internet switch.

·         The Chief reported that a meeting was held with the Cheshire County Administrator and reps. from Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Representative Kuster’s office in reference to funding for radio/console upgrades.

·         The Chief reported that the minutes had been updated on the website.

·         Director Nelson inquired about the status of the WiValley building at the Fitzwilliam site. Chief Sangermano confirmed that the building was for sale for $10,000.00 and that it would be sold, even if it meant that it would be moved. Any replacement, building or cabinet, would be at least that much when figuring purchase, installation and moving equipment. A motion was made by Director Liller and seconded by Director Nelson to purchase the building at the best possible price.




·         The 2023 Operating Budget was presented, which included a 2 percent increase over the 2022 budget. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to approve.

·         Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on building repairs completed to the TV room and the Training room.

·         A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to purchase Christmas gift cards for the FMA staff.

·         There was discussion about the use of drones related to emergency services and FMA. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to have the Chief research this.

·         The Chief presented some figures that were researched for used vehicle values and some new vehicle prices, in reference to two FMA vehicles that might be sold and one that might be replaced. It was agreed that more of the board should be present for any decisions. Director Eaton suggested that Chief Sangermano be sure to inquire with the State of NH, Administrative Services about the State Bid List.







OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None

 The meeting was adjourned at 2017 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro Tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

October 12, 2022



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Chris Liller, Harry Nelson, Curt Barnes and Chief Joe Sangermano.


The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



The September minutes were read, a motion was made by Director Bazin, and second by Director Liller to approve, motion passed.




Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of May. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.


September 2022 Account Summaries

Checking  $       1,672,264.10 Outstanding  $          291,378.94 MBIA Operation  $               1,747.78 Buyout  $             42,146.34 Reserve  $             38,904.00 Radio Repair Checking  $             10,434.44 Capital Reserve  $          152,502.75 Capital Improvement  $               5,146.35 Organization Checking  $             38,782.53 Outstanding  $               6,750.00 




By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



·         Chief Sangermano went over that Consolidated will have a dedicated line into dispatch for internet service.

·         The Chief is trying to set up a meeting for NH and VT reps for possible grant funding of radio upgrades.




·         Sites have been looked over by Two Way Communications, Newfane site has been set up with simulcast improvements. Stratton has a new antenna, and simulcast has been worked on. Sunapee will be fixed before winter.

·          The dispatch center is all set for the next inspection by Keene Fire.

·         A motion was made by Director Bazin and second by Vice President Goddard to use Two way Communications for radio repair, motion passed.

·         The building at the site in Fitzwilliam may come up for sale, the Chief will keep us posted.

·         The Chief is going to Brattleboro to meet about EMS  next week.




·         Winn Wright has passed away, no info on services at this time.





OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None


The meeting was adjourned at 2017 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Curtis Barnes, Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

September 14, 2022



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUEST – None.



The August 10, 2022 minutes were not available for review.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Vice President Goddard, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of May. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 September 2022 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 1,584,246.45 Outstanding $ 452,120.08 MBIA Operation $ 1,744.13 Buyout $ 42,058.33 Reserve $ 38,822.76 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,434.43 Capital Reserve $ 152,502.08 Capital Improvement $ 5,146.28 Organization Checking $ 38,782.51 Outstanding $ 6,750.00 




By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report



 Chief Sangermano advised the Board about some projects involving the System’s antenna sites. 2-Way Communications had been to Newfane Hill, checking the equipment and to the area of the NewBrook Fire Station checking the reception. 2-Way will also be scheduled to go to Stratton (to check Mid-Station 980 & the summit 415) and Sunapee to check for possible problems.


 Chief Sangermano advised the Board of a couple up-coming meetings, one with Consolidated Communications to finalize plans to upgrade the System’s phone lines and internet, and to switch the emergency and business lines from FirstLight to Consolidated. The other meeting was going to be with FirstNet. We have established an account with AT&T/FirstNet and would like to see what solutions they may have for backup communications/phones for Dispatch.

  • Panic hardware has been ordered for the egress from the Big Hall for the place of assembly permit.

  • Chief Sangermano hopes that budget increase will be minimal if the health insurance rate doesn’t increase drastically.

  • Chief Sangermano reported that the NH Fire & EMS Committee of Merit awards will be held on September 18 in Concord. One of our dispatchers is part of a unit citation award for Keene’s Cobblestone fire. Two of our dispatchers were on duty and worked the fire but only one was recognized and invited. There was very little communication about the award and it was all last minute.

  • Chief Sangermano reported that he was contacted by Souhegan Valley Ambulance Service about dispatching for them. They cover Greenville and New Ipswich for ambulance service. There was discussion about that topic and how the System would charge for that whereas we bill for dispatching fire departments (not ambulance) and New Ipswich is assessed for dispatching services but Greenville is not and they have not made any inquiries. It was suggested that we figure the assessment for Greenville, no different than any other town and base the charge on that figure.

  • Chief Sangermano advised the Board that he had a request from Stephen Whitaker from Vermont for the assessments for the Vermont dispatched towns. Apparently Mr. Whitaker has been attending the meetings of the working group reporting on regional dispatching.

  • There was a lengthy discussion on the situation with the Windham County Sheriff trying to take over dispatching for fire & EMS. President Boynton wondered if we should consider hiring a marketing professional to help us. Director Bazin made a motion that we look into hiring a marketing firm to promote FMA. The motion was seconded by Vice President Goddard and voted unanimously (in favor) by the board members present.






 OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None

 The meeting was adjourned at 2017 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Meeting Minutes of July 2022

Directors present

President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard Chief Joe Sangermano, Secretary Curt

Barnes, Directors Ken March, Chris Liller, Tom Bates, Dan Eaton, Ted Tillson

The meeting was called to order at 1910 Hrs.

Guest- None

Meeting Minute

A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director March to accept the minutes

from the June 8 2022 meeting. Motion passed

Treasurers Report

A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director Wilson to accept the treasurers

report. Motion passed

Coordinators Report

Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director Eaton made a motion to accept

the report, Director Goddard second the motion. Motion passed

By-Laws New bylaw approved, but not added yet.

Regional Training Nothing yet

Public Relations No report

Old Business

Chief Sangermano give an update on Chimney Hill generator.

Funding for upgrades to the system have been looked into with elected officials,

and discussion on grants available to help with cost.

 New Business

Building use, 2 way communications has asked about using space that they could set up in to be

in Keene, the radio shop was an idea for the space they will need. They will be handling some of

the repairs for us.

Timberline climbers have their first job with us on thur. July 14th

.Personnel July 29th retirement open house for Cindy Paquin, it is her last day after 26 yrs of


Correspondence None

Open Discussion Discussion of try to get Chief Sangermano help thru gal Friday service,

to help with office work.

 Motion to adjourn by Director Eaton, second by Director Liller.

Submitted by

Secretary, Curtis Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

June 8, 2022


President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Tom Bates, Ken March, Curt Barnes, Chris Liller, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUEST – None.


A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the April 13, 2022 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of May. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Wilson, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 June 2022 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 1,428,989.89 Outstanding $ 825,422.60 MBIA Operation $ 1,737.00 Buyout $ 41,886.47 Reserve $ 38,664.11 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,434.08 Capital Reserve $ 152,474.05 Capital Improvement $ 5,146.11 Organization Checking $ 41,825.13 Outstanding $ 6,750.00 



By-Laws Committee – President Boynton noted that the by-law update passed at the annual meeting and he would confirm that Secretary Tillson would update the document.

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report

 Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report

                 OLD BUSINESS

 Chief Sangermano gave an update on the violations cited by the NH Department of Labor. All items have been corrected except the stairs and railings in the back shed. The contractor should have the stairs and railings completed within the next few days.

  • The Annual Meeting was held on May 18. Members were updated on Simulcast.

  • President Boynton advised that we should get going on how to fund the communication system upgrades. Director Eaton noted that Senator Shaheen is on board and needs to be contacted. We should also contact Chris Coates from Cheshire County as well as their grant writers. Vice President Goddard would like to get something in writing for Senator Sanders. Director Eaton also suggested that we should look for foundations and organizations that would be willing to help with funding.



  • Election of Board Officers

    • President – Harry Boynton was nominated by Director Wilson, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present.

    • Vice President – Tom Goddard was nominated by Director March, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present.

    • Treasurer – Chris Liller was nominated by Director Barnes, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present.

    • Secretary – Curt Barnes was nominated by Director March, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present.


Logan Yeatman has resigned and taken a fulltime job at Troy PowerSports. Colby Howard has been cleared to travel into Vermont for work.





 OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None

 The meeting was adjourned at 2020 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

April 13, 2022



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1901 hours.

 GUEST – None.


There were no minutes available for the February meeting and the March meeting was cancelled.


            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Bates and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.


Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August and September. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 April 2022 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 1,477,729.62 Outstanding $ 1,012,759.12 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.48 Buyout $ 41,850.03 Reserve $ 38,630.48 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,434.00 Capital Reserve $ 152,467.99 Capital Improvement $ 5,146.07 Organization Checking $ 41,824.80 Outstanding $ 6,750.00 



By-Laws Committee – Will have proposed By-Law available at the annual meeting for a vote on the addition.

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report

                 OLD BUSINESS

 Chief Sangermano reported that the printer/copier the Board voted on has been replaced.

  • Chief Sangermano reported that several of the violations that the NH Department of Labor cited have been corrected. A written safety program will be submitted and renovations to stairs and railings in the back shed will be completed as soon as possible.

  • The Annual Meeting will be held on May 18 at the Keene Country Club. Apparatus display at 1730 and business meeting at 1900. It was agreed that nominations for Directors be just for 2022, not 2020 and 2021 (years the Annual Meeting was cancelled). Nominating Committee member will be Director Bazin.

  • Chief Sangermano gave an update of the Simulcast system and radio sites. There was discussion about suspending double toning/alerting for most departments.

  • It was suggested that we send something about the cost of the radio system upgrades to the members before the Annual Meeting.

  • There was discussion about radio problems being a topic at the Annual Meeting. Director Eaton said that Antrim Chief Gale had commented that it may be a “raucous” meeting.



  • Chief Sangermano reported briefly on the IT upgrades that are in progress. Most all major IT hardware has been replaced or will be shortly.

  • Chief Sangermano advised that the utility trailer has been replaced. It was out of service and would cost more to repair than it was worth. It was estimated that it was more than 16 years old.

  • Deputies Lunderville and Redin and Dispatcher Doyle attended a Career Fair at Monadnock Regional High School to promote awareness of jobs at Fire Mutual Aid.

  • Vice President Goddard gave a synopsis of the State of Vermont approving 11 million dollars for supporting Fire & EMS dispatching in the state and the possibility of the Windham County Sheriff dispatching Fire & EMS.

 PERSONNEL ISSUES – Radio Shop Technician Cindy Paquin has announced her retirement. It will probably be at the end of July. Chief Sangermano has secured 2-Way Communications and Timberline Communications Inc. for radio repair and climbing needs.





 OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None

 The meeting was adjourned at 2035 hrs.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

January 12, 2022



Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Chris Liller, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin and Chief Joe Sangermano.

 The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

 GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept December, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August and September. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Bates and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.

 January 2022 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 470,571.49 Outstanding $ 300,353.49 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.21 Buyout $ 41,843.67 Reserve $ 38,624.61 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.74 Capital Reserve $ 152,449.19 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.90 Organization Checking $ 42,023.77 Outstanding $ 6,750.00 



By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report, no annual meeting, no vote on proposed changes.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




  • Chief Sangermano reported that the gift cards authorized at the December meeting were purchased and distributed to the staff and he thanked the Board for their consideration.

  • Director Nelson inquired about the Chimney Hill generator. Chief Sangermano explained that he believed the generator had been purchased but we had not decided on how much Fire Mutual Aid would contribute.





·         Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3 II(a) Personnel Matter(s)

Motion was made by Director Liller to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a) Personnel Matter(s), seconded by Director Bazin.  All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered non-public session at 7:23 p.m. Present were Vice President Tom Goddard, Directors Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Chris Liller, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin and Chief Joe Sangermano

                          Motion was made by Director Bazin to come out of non-public session, seconded by Director

                        Wilson.  All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 7:51 pm.

Motion was made by Director Bazin to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by Director Wilson. All were in favor and the motion passed.




·         Chief Sangermano advised that the newest part-time Dispatcher, Rene Doyle, had been hired to fill the vacant full-time position.

·         Chief Sangermano advised that he had been in contact with Primex to schedule training for the staff entitled “Preventing Harassment in the Workplace.









OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None


The meeting was adjourned at 2005 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

December 08, 2021



                President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Jay Wilson, and Dan Eaton



The meeting was called to order at 1912 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.




November 2021 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 588,610.17 Outstanding $ 427,514.54 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.18 Buyout $ 41,842.91 Reserve $ 38,623.91 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.56 Capital Reserve $ 152,436.04 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.85 Organization Checking $ 42,023.04 Outstanding $ 6,750.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated they are working to fill some vacancies, one full time opening. A fulltime employee resigned to take another job closer to home. The Chief stated they are working to fill the position from the current hiring list they have. There was a lengthy discussion on this topic.


·         Chief Sangermano stated an email was sent out explaining firehouse/ESO to all departments.  


·         Chief Sangermano stated they interviewed someone for a part time administrative assistance and they are waiting to hear back from them.




·         A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Real and unanimously voted by the board members present to provide $100.00 gift cards to the dispatchers as a holiday gift. Motion Passed.





CORRESPONDENCE – Inquiry by Chief Lund of New Ipswich on the formula of dispatch fees.




The meeting was adjourned at 2013 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 10, 2021



                President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Ken March, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, and Tom Bates



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Vice President Goddard, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept October13, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.




November 2021 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 750,544.40 Outstanding $ 458,507.83 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.15 Buyout $ 41,842.20 Reserve $ 38,623.25 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.56 Capital Reserve $ 152,436.04 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.85 Organization Checking $ 42,023.04 Outstanding $ 6,750.00





 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated there were 3 trainees for dispatch and two departed, which left one. They plan to repost for additional personnel after the first of the year.


·         Chief Sangermano stated Motorola has listed 18 sites for upgrading at approximately 4 million. This includes upgrade those sites, maintaining towers and site 365 days, 7 days week, 24 hours a day. This will also include upgrading the building for the towers if necessary. There was a proposal submitted by 2 way communications for fiber, microwave and maintenance.    .




·         Chief Sangermano presented the 2022 budget for review with the board. After some discussion, a motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the proposed budget as presented. Motion passed


·         President Boynton presented a MAC1 contract which was up for review and renewal. After some discussion a motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Real and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the purposed MAC1 contract. Motion passed








OPEN DISCUSSION – Director Bazin discussed the issues they are having with the VT SP not willing to respond to calls or their slow response. 


The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

October 13, 2021



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasurer Chris Liller, Directors Tom Bates, Ken March, Dan Eaton, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Harry Nelson, and Chief Joe Sangermano.



The meeting was called to order at 1904 hours.


GUEST – None.



The minutes of the August meeting were not available. The September meeting (Annual meeting rescheduled from April) was canceled, therefore, no minutes either.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August and September. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Treasurer Liller, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.



October 2021 Account Summaries

 Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

October 13, 2021



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasurer Chris Liller, Directors Tom Bates, Ken March, Dan Eaton, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Harry Nelson, and Chief Joe Sangermano.



The meeting was called to order at 1904 hours.


GUEST – None.



The minutes of the August meeting were not available. The September meeting (Annual meeting rescheduled from April) was canceled, therefore, no minutes either.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August and September. These activities are above the normal day-to-day operational activities. A motion was made by Treasurer Liller, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.



October 2021 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 702,410.89 Outstanding $ 541,348.37 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.12 Buyout $ 41,841.44 Reserve $ 38,622.55 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.48 Capital Reserve $ 152,429.98 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.81 Organization Checking $ 42,022.71 Outstanding $ 6,750.00



By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report, no annual meeting, no vote on proposed changes.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




  • Chief Sangermano gave an update on personnel. Dispatch is at full staffing for full-time personnel. There are currently two part-time trainees finishing the remainder of their training, one has discontinued due to personal reasons. Despite having people on a hiring list, we will wait before calling the next in, to start training, until we analyze the needs in covering open shifts. Erik Kazlouskas is back to work, after a medical leave, and doing well, but remains a high risk for exposure so Dispatch will again tighten the restrictions for access.


  • Motorola is close to delivering a proposal for infrastructure upgrades to our radio/antenna sites.


  • ESO is expected to deliver pricing soon on their new software platform to replace the soon to be unsupported Firehouse software.


  • Keene Country Club has submitted a bill for just $100.00, despite the last minute cancellation.





·         The Chimney Hill Association reported that the generator that powers our radio equipment and their clubhouse, has bad windings. This was a joint venture between Mutual Aid and the Association for purchase/installation (50/50). After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Director Nelson to investigate the purchase of a Kohler generator and a housing agreement with the Association similar to the last arrangement (50/50) and to move ahead at the Chief’s discretion. Motion seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to proceed.


·         Chief Sangermano reported that Lieutenant Virginia Foote attended COML training that culminated with a COMU exercise on 10/7. Lieutenant Foote and Dispatcher Ryan Shafer attended the Supervisors Seminar hosted in Concord by NH Primex that day, 10/13.


·         Chief Sangermano reported the he expected little, if any, increase for the 2022 budget other than those beyond our control, contracted wages, health insurance, workers compensation, property & liability and retirement.


·         There was a brief discussion of the projected costs of IT upgrades and funding options. As this project has been discussed previously, this was just to keep the board informed. That said, Director Eaton advised it would be advantageous to contact Cheshire County. With the County embarking on a new venture, they may have some funds available to us.


·         Director Bazin inquired about the accounting of PSVE in the report generated by QuickBooks. It is not conclusive, to show income. Chief Sangermano acknowledged that and advised that although QuickBooks did not seem to track them, the figures were available and could be reported to insure that the division is making money.


·         An inquiry was made as to the timing of some admin functions, like billing. Chief Sangermano advised that there were many demands on the current admin staff, and that yes, there are times when some of the function/jobs might be delayed. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Director Eaton to approve an administrative assistant for 20 hour per week at a rate of pay to be set by the Chief. Motion was seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to proceed.       









OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None


The meeting was adjourned at 2038 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

















By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report, no annual meeting, no vote on proposed changes.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




  • Chief Sangermano gave an update on personnel. Dispatch is at full staffing for full-time personnel. There are currently two part-time trainees finishing the remainder of their training, one has discontinued due to personal reasons. Despite having people on a hiring list, we will wait before calling the next in, to start training, until we analyze the needs in covering open shifts. Erik Kazlouskas is back to work, after a medical leave, and doing well, but remains a high risk for exposure so Dispatch will again tighten the restrictions for access.


  • Motorola is close to delivering a proposal for infrastructure upgrades to our radio/antenna sites.


  • ESO is expected to deliver pricing soon on their new software platform to replace the soon to be unsupported Firehouse software.


  • Keene Country Club has submitted a bill for just $100.00, despite the last minute cancellation.





·         The Chimney Hill Association reported that the generator that powers our radio equipment and their clubhouse, has bad windings. This was a joint venture between Mutual Aid and the Association for purchase/installation (50/50). After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Director Nelson to investigate the purchase of a Kohler generator and a housing agreement with the Association similar to the last arrangement (50/50) and to move ahead at the Chief’s discretion. Motion seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to proceed.


·         Chief Sangermano reported that Lieutenant Virginia Foote attended COML training that culminated with a COMU exercise on 10/7. Lieutenant Foote and Dispatcher Ryan Shafer attended the Supervisors Seminar hosted in Concord by NH Primex that day, 10/13.


·         Chief Sangermano reported the he expected little, if any, increase for the 2022 budget other than those beyond our control, contracted wages, health insurance, workers compensation, property & liability and retirement.


·         There was a brief discussion of the projected costs of IT upgrades and funding options. As this project has been discussed previously, this was just to keep the board informed. That said, Director Eaton advised it would be advantageous to contact Cheshire County. With the County embarking on a new venture, they may have some funds available to us.


·         Director Bazin inquired about the accounting of PSVE in the report generated by QuickBooks. It is not conclusive, to show income. Chief Sangermano acknowledged that and advised that although QuickBooks did not seem to track them, the figures were available and could be reported to insure that the division is making money.


·         An inquiry was made as to the timing of some admin functions, like billing. Chief Sangermano advised that there were many demands on the current admin staff, and that yes, there are times when some of the function/jobs might be delayed. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Director Eaton to approve an administrative assistant for 20 hour per week at a rate of pay to be set by the Chief. Motion was seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to proceed.       









OPEN DISCUSSION – Suggestions for the good of the order- None


The meeting was adjourned at 2038 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 14, 2021



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasurer Chris Liller, Directors Tom Bates, Dan Eaton, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Harry Nelson, and Chief Joe Sangermano.



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the June 9, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passed.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Treasurer Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of June. These activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.



July 2021 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 1,264,162.40 Outstanding $ 565,811.78 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.03 Buyout $ 41,839.26 Reserve $ 38,620.54 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.21 Capital Reserve $ 152,410.77 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.68 Organization Checking $ 42,456.38 Outstanding $ 6,750.00



By-Laws Committee – President Boynton will email Secretary Tillson about changes for the annual meeting.

Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




  • Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the COVID 19 status, building restrictions loosened, but still limited access to dispatch.


  • Update on equipment damage and repairs. Channel D voter appears to be all set, transmitting and receiving as it should.


  • Update on personnel. David Bryce started full time on 7/2. Interviews were on 6/28, 6/29 & 6/30. Out of 30 applicants, 21 were invited to interview. There were 3 no-shows, 18 interviewed and 11 invited to observe. After observation, assessments will be made as to how many will train and how many will remain on a hiring list





·         Repairs were made to one side (left) of the ramp in front of the building. The Furze Brothers from Troy completed the repairs on 6/23, 6/24 & 6/25 in the amount of $5,100.


·         Tenney Electric will start some electrical repairs on 7/21.






CORRESPONDENCE – Thank you notes were reviewed from the Townshend Board of Selectmen Chairman and Troy/Fitzwilliam Fire Departments ref. to incidents in their respective towns.

                                             A note was reviewed from South Londonderry (J Duda), “Communications suck. All traffic is scratchy.”


OPEN DISCUSSION – Chief Sangermano briefed the Board on Wilton Fire Department’s on-going situation with MACC Base, and the possibility of needing an alternative dispatch option.


The meeting was adjourned at 1933 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

June 9, 2021



President Harry Boynton, Directors Ken March, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates and Chief Joe Sangermano.



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept May 12, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passed.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the month of May. These activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.



June 2021 Account Summaries

Operations Checking $ 1,071,522.78 Outstanding $ 863,599.36 MBIA Operation $ 1,735.00 Buyout $ 41,838.52 Reserve $ 38,619.85 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,433.12 Capital Reserve $ 152,403.88 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.63 Organization Checking $ 42,055.26 Outstanding $ 7,200.00




By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




  • Chief Sangermano gave a brief update on the COVID 19 status, building restrictions loosened, but still limited access.


  • Update on equipment damage and repairs. Still trying to correct problems with Channel D voter programming, possibly have some bad equipment (new). Also had to address a problem with WQCV-921 (Keene Fire) equipment. MAR1 was out sick for an entire week.


  • Update on personnel, David Bryce was hired to fill the full-time dispatcher opening, will start on 7/2. Scheduling to cover shifts has been a challenge because of being down 2 full-time and 2 part-time positions. 30 applications received for hiring process, will interview 27 on 6/28, 6/29 & 6/30.


  • Chief Sangermano confirmed the annual meeting date of 9/15/2021 at the Keene Country Club.





·         There was discussion about radio shop personnel, technicians and climbers.


·         There was discussion concerning operational logistics of a call that was dispatched in Westmoreland.









OPEN DISCUSSION – There was a brief discussion on manpower shortages and how it is affecting  



The meeting was adjourned at 2003 hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2021

Directors present

President Harry Boynton, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson,

Real Bazin, Tom Bates, Dan Eaton, Tom Goddard.

The meeting was called to order at 1900 Hrs.

Guest- None

Meeting Minute

A motion was made by Director Wilson and seconded by Director Goddard to accept the

minutes from the May meeting. Motion passed

Treasurers Report

A motion was made by Director Goddard and seconded by Director Wilson to accept the

treasurers report. Motion passed

Coordinators Report

Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director Eaton made a motion to accept

the report, Director Godard seconded the motion. Motion passed

By-Laws have been forwarded to Director Tillson

Regional Training Nothing

Public Relations No report

Old Business : Covid, still have safety rules in place.

Roll of honor, motion made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director

Goddard to honor people after their 10yrs in the system.

Annual meeting: A motion by Director Eaton and Seconded by Director Godard to hold the

Annual meeting Sept. 15th was passed.


New Business

Highland Hill: There was equipment damage done by a storm, all has been repaired.


Personnel: Still 1 full time spot open, and 1 person will be out for 3-6 months.

Election of officers: Director Eaton nominated Director Boynton, seconded by Director Wilson for

President, passed. Director Eaton nominated Director Goddard seconded by Director Wilson for

Vice President, passed. Director Wilson nominated Director Liller seconded by Director Eaton for

treasurer, passed. Director Eaton nominated Director Tillson seconded by Director Barnes for

secretary, passed

Correspondence : none


Open Discussion still having talks with Motorola on mapping and our sites, as far as

updates that can be done.

Adjourned at 19:52

Submitted by

Director Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

April 14, 2021



President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasurer Chris Liller, Directors Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates and Chief Joe Sangermano.



The meeting was called to order at 1853 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept March, 2021 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passed.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.




April 2021 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 727,274.37 Outstanding $ 1,487,552.43 MBIA Operation $ 1,734.94 Buyout $ 41,837.09 Reserve $ 38,618.54 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,432.95 Capital Reserve $ 152,391.77 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.55 Organization Checking $ 42,006.38 Outstanding $ 7,200.00




 By-Laws Committee – President Boynton distributed a draft for a proposed by-law addressing a “Special Circumstance” to postpone meetings or provide different platforms for holding meetings. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Treasurer Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to approve the draft.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano advised that due to COVID-19, building access was still restricted, however, some projects will begin to move forward as soon as scheduling allows.


·         President Boynton continued a discussion on “Friends of Fire Mutual Aid” (an honorary membership status), to include a plaque for Fire Mutual Aid Headquarters and an individual plaque for a recipient. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to approve the status, plaque and awards.


·         There was discussion on a “Roll of Honor” for employees, not limited to dispatchers. There were questions of years of service and full and part-time status. To be discussed at the next meeting.


·         There was discussion about the Annual Meeting regarding in-person as opposed to on-line. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to schedule an in-person meeting for later in the year, even if there was a chance that it had to be canceled.


·         Vice President Goddard asked if there was any news about a replacement for Firehouse. Chief Sangermano said that he was waiting for a meeting with ESO to be rescheduled to discuss pricing of their product.




·         Chief Sangermano advised the board that he had received letters of resignation from Mitchell McQuade (part-time) and Jay Gagne (full-time). A hiring process had been started for the full-time opening (posted in-house) and also for part-time openings.


·         Colby Howard’s status and impending incarceration was discussed. The board questioned whether or not Colby would be allowed to request a leave of absence. Chief Sangermano advised that Colby could request a LOA from dispatch, as it was outlined in the dispatcher’s contract, but there was nothing on record for employees of the Radio Shop or Up-fitting. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to allow all employees, not just dispatchers, to request a leave of absence.   


·         Chief Sangermano advised the board that Logan Yeatman had been hired part-time in the up-fitting shop. He wanted the board to be aware that Logan is a relative of a current employee (MattYeatman, father), and that there were supervisory levels that did not include his father. The board indicated that they were not opposed to hiring relatives of current employees.




CORRESPONDENCE – Chief Sangermano referenced an article in a national publication by Chief

                                           Goldfeder about Fire Mutual Aid and Ed Mattson.


OPEN DISCUSSION – Director Eaton discussed the American Rescue Plan and how Cheshire

                                        County will be receiving 14 million dollars. It may pay to talk to Chris Coates

                                        about this.

                                        President Boynton reminded the board that May is the month for BOD

                                        election of officers.


The meeting was adjourned at 2006 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Joe Sangermano, Secretary Pro tem

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 10, 2021



                Vice President Tom Goddard, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Ken March, Real Bazin Dan Eaton, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director March, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.




March 2021 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 615,132.60 Outstanding $ 1,756,860.02 MBIA Operation $ 1,734.88 Buyout $ 41,835.70 Reserve $ 38,617.85 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,432.67 Capital Reserve $ 152,378.00 Capital Improvement $ 5,145.41 Organization Checking $ 36,653.64 Outstanding $ 12,600.00





 By-Laws Committee – Review By-laws to see if they need up-dating for next meeting. Discussion to determine if we should add “Special Circumstance” to postpone meetings or provide different platforms for holding meetings to the By-Laws. President Boynton will write up for next meeting.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano and staff are still refining the radio technique positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano stated dispatch is continuing to foster a good relationship with the Motorola sales side. We are selling a lot of parts, radios, and pagers. Motorola engineers offered to engineer/design an up-dated radio system at no cost. If there are members who are looking to purchase pagers or radios contact the radio shop first for pricing.


·         Chief Sangermano stated for Covid-19 there were no new changes. Dispatch is still closed to all outsiders. The Radio shop and out fitting are open.



·         Chief Sangermano discussed the annual meeting when to hold and where to hold the meeting. He is looking into the Keene Country Club venue. He will have more information for the next meeting.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he is working on putting together a presentation for retired dispatchers Ed Mattson and Kevin Kennedy. 


·         Chief Sangermano stated they had a small plumbing issue with the sewer line being plugged. They found a pipe that was partially crushed. The cost for the repair is approx. $3,000.00. The pipe is located under the concrete foundation.







OPEN DISCUSSION –Discussed the fire alarm monitoring system. We need to be in or be out of the business of alarm monitoring.


The meeting was adjourned at 2040 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 18, 2020



                President  Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Dan Eaton, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept October, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.




November 2020 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 391,402.40 Outstanding $ 416,519.23 MBIA Operation $ 1,734.79 Buyout $ 41,833.52 Reserve $ 38,615.25 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,440.65 Capital Reserve $ 152,328.40 Capital Improvement $ 5,144.91 Organization Checking $ 37,322.75 Outstanding $ 900.00



 By-Laws Committee – Review By-laws to see if they need up-dating for next meeting. Discussion to determine if we should add “Special Circumstance” to postpone meetings or provide different platforms for holding meetings to the By-Laws. President Boynton presented a proposal and will write up for next meeting.


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         President Boyton presented the idea of Honorable/Friends of SWDMA. This would be a plaque honoring past Chiefs, friends, and/ or roll of honor for employees. He stated he would put something together for next meeting and if other Directors had ideas bring to next meeting.


·         Chief Sangermano and staff are still refining the radio technique positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano stated dispatch is continuing to foster a good relationship with the Motorola sales side. We are selling a lot of parts, radios, and pagers. Motorola engineers offered to engineer/design an up-dated radio system at no cost. If there are members who are looking to purchase pagers or radios contact the radio shop first for pricing.


·         Chief Sangermano stated for Covid-19 there were no new changes. Dispatch is still closed to all outsiders. The Radio shop and out fitting are open.


·         Chief Sangermano discussed an IT positions for SWNHDFMA- they have talked to a few people and received some suggested people to talk with.


·         Chief Sangermano discussed fire house will be going away as of 2021 and they are searching for vendors.



·         Chief Sangermano presented the 2021 Budget to the Board. After a long discussion a motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to approve the 2021 Budget as presented to the Board. Motion Passed.    

·         Chief Sangermano discussed Mutualink product which links hosptials, schools, dispatch centers, etc…. together.







CORRESPONDENCE – President Boyton made motion, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to purchase $100.00 Gift Cards for all Dispatchers as a Christmas Gift and Thank you for the hard work and dedication this year. Motion passed


OPEN DISCUSSION – Director Eaton discussed the fire alarm monitoring system. We need to be in or be out of the business of alarm monitoring. If we are going to be in then we need to set money aside to upgrade equipment and install alarm systems. We have discussed this for many years and are in the same spot as before.  


The meeting was adjourned at 2036 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

October 14, 2020



                President  Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Real Bazin, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept September, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



October 2020 Account Summaries


Operations Checking $ 616,194.61 Outstanding $ 430,592.72 MBIA Operation $ 1,734.70 Buyout $ 41,831.44 Reserve $ 38,613.33 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,443.39 Capital Reserve $ 152,315.91 Capital Improvement $ 5,144.78 Organization Checking $ 42,013.44 Outstanding $ 900.00



 By-Laws Committee – Review By-laws to see if they need up-dating for next meeting. Discussion to determine if we should add Honorary Membership to the By-Laws. Board member were asked to come up if ideas and/or information for next meeting.


Regional Training Committee – Chief Lasky presentation was a good training, however only 23 people were present.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano and staff are still refining the radio technicians positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano stated dispatch is continuing to foster a good relationship with the Motorola sales side. We are selling a lot of parts, radios, and pagers. Motorola engineers offered to engineer/design an up-dated radio system at no cost. If there are members who are looking to purchase pagers or radios contact the radio shop first for pricing.


·         Chief Sangermano stated for Covid-19 there were no new changes. Dispatch is still closed to all outsiders. The Radio shop and out fitting are open.


·         Chief Sangermano discussed an IT positions for SWNHDFMA- they have talked to a few people and received some suggested people to talk with.


·         Chief Sangermano discussed Firehouse will be going away as of 2021 and they are searching for vendors.




Chief Sangermano stated they are upgrading the two cellphones in the dispatch center. Currently dispatchers are using their personnel cellphones to text or receive texts from department members on the scene of an incident.


Chief Sangermano stated there are looking into the cost of hiring a vendor to handle radio tower sites for climbing. The cost of one radio member to be certified and purchasing all of the equipment is costly, also there are not a lot of interest in climbing towers.


Next Meeting the Board will be discussing the 2021 budget.










The meeting was adjourned at 2022 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

September 9, 2020



            President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Real Bazin, Jay Wilson, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept August 12, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



September 2020 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 791,355.30 Outstanding $ 475,592.52 MBIA Operation $ 1,734.50 Buyout $ 41,826.64 Reserve $ 38,608.90 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,446.14 Capital Reserve $ 152,303.43 Capital Improvement $ 5,144.66 Organization Checking $ 42,012.40 Outstanding $ 900.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Chief Lasky presentation on September 26, 2020


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano and staff are still refining the radio technicians positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano stated dispatch is continuing to foster a good relationship with the Motorola sales side. We are selling a lot of parts, radios, and pagers. Motorola engineers offered to engineer/design an up-dated radio system at no cost. If there are members who are looking to purchase pagers or radios contact the radio shop first for pricing.


·         Chief Sangermano stated for Covid-19 there were no new changes. Dispatch is still closed to all outsiders. The Radio shop and out fitting are open.


·         Chief Sangermano stated they have hired fulltime Jay Gagne and he is in training. Also there are a few part time dispatchers in training.


·         Chief Sangermano announced Virgina Foote has been promoted to Lieutenant, congratulations.


·         Chief Sangermano discussed an IT positions for SWNHDFMA- they have talked to a few people and received some suggested people to talk with.




 Chief Sangermano discussed Firehouse will be going away as of 2021 and they are searching for vendors.


Last month President Boynton presented a letter to all of the dispatchers at their annual meeting, thanking them for their hard work.




PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Lt Kevin Kennedy will be retiring and his last day will be next Wednesday. Chief Sangermano stated for everyone to stop by between 9am and 12 pm for a walk through. Socially distance of course.







The meeting was adjourned at 1957 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2020

Directors present

President Harry Boynton, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Chris Liller, Tom Bates , Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Real Bazin, Vice President Tom Goddard

The meeting was called to order at 1910 Hrs.

Guests- None

Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director Bazin to accept the minutes from the Feb. 12th meeting. Motion passed

Treasurers Report

A motion was made by Director Barnes and seconded by Director Liller to accept the treasures report. Motion passed

Coordinators Report

Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director Liller made a motion to accept the report, Director Barnes second the motion. Motion passed

By- Laws

May need to add to by-laws with what we have learned from the COVID situation

Regional Training

Chief Laskey seminar will be held September 26, 2020

Public Relations

No report

Old Business

Radio Tech, working on job description, with changes in radio’s the job has changed some

COVID status, building still in lockdown, everything is working with the steps being taken

Motorola, working on getting better pricing, and a better relationship

Promotion/Hiring, Lt position not decided on yet, 1 fulltime and 4 part time have been hired

New Business

IT manager, looking for someone for a fulltime position, and what that would involve, starting interviews at this time

Election of Officers: President, Harry Boynton was nominated by Director Liller, second by Director Eaton.

Vice President : Tom Goddard was nominated by Director Nelson, second by Director Liller.

Treasurer : Director Liller was nominated by Director Barnes , second by Director Goddard.

Secretary : Director Tillson was nominated by Director Nelson, second by Director Goddard

The acting secretary cast 1 ballot for all.

Personnel 1 part time employee has left

Correspondence None

Open Discussion

A letter of appreciation from the board to be sent to the dispatch center for all for a great job being done during this uncertain times

Motion to adjourn by Director Barnes, second by Director March, at 20:40 hrs.

Submitted by

Director Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 8, 2020



            President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept March 11, 2020 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



July 2020 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 849,249.81 Outstanding $ 668,094.26 MBIA Operation $ 1,733.81 Buyout $ 41,809.79 Reserve $ 38,593.34 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,454.33 Capital Reserve $ 152,264.32 Capital Improvement $ 5,144.26 Organization Checking $ 40,635.26 Outstanding $ 900.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Chief Lasky presentation on September 26, 2020


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano and staff are still refining the radio technique positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he is investigating Keene State Students for internship with a major in computer science program. 





Chief Sangermano stated they are still in a lock down status for covid-19 and limiting travel.   


President Harry Boynton started a discussing on the annual meeting. The Board of Directors feel we should postpone the annual meeting until April 2021. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board members present to postpone the annual meeting do to covid-19 until April of 2021. Motion passes.


Chief Sangermano discussed the radio shop and the need to review the position of radio technician/ IT position.  A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board members present to authorize Chief Sangermano to start the process of actively looking for an individual for the position of radio technician/ IT. Motion passes.






·         Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3 II(a) Personnel Matter(s)

Motion was made by Director Barnes to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a) Personnel Matter(s), seconded by President Boynton.  All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered nonpublic session at 7:50 p.m. Present was President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Harry Nelson.

Motion was made by Director Eaton to come out of non-public session, seconded by President Boynton. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 8:25 pm.

Motion was made by Director Barnes to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by President Boynton. All were in favor and the motion passed.



CORRESPONDENCE – Mutual aid received thank you letters from the Goshen Fire Department and Bob Bartlet.




The meeting was adjourned at 2052 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes of March 11, 2020

Directors present

President Harry Boynton, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Chris Liller, Tom Bates

The meeting was called to order at 1900 Hrs.

Guest- None

Meeting Minute

A motion was made by Director March and seconded by Director Liller to accept the minutes from the Feb. 12th meeting. Motion passed

Treasures Report

A motion was made by Director Barnes and seconded by Director March to accept the treasures report. Motion passed

Coordinators Report

Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director Barnes made a motion to accept the report, Director Liller second the motion. Motion passed

BY- Lays No report

Regional Training Chief Laskey seminar will be held May 2, 2020

Public Relations No report

Old Business

Radio Tech, working on job description, with changes in radios the job has changed some

Part time position, 6 have applied, 1 person interviewed

New Business

KSC intern, May be interest in getting an intern from the college to do programing.

Alarms- Trouble with alarms coming into dispatch, checking with issues, and checking on getting the alarms to digital.

Crane Mtn.- Testing will be done to test signal.




Personnel No report

Correspondence Richmond Fire Chief sent a message about how great the system worked for a recent emergency they had had.

Open Discussion

Lots of discussion on COVID-19 and how it will affect our system

Motion to adjourn by Director Barnes, second by Director March, at 20:00 hrs.

Submitted by

Director Barnes


Meeting Minutes of Feb 12, 2020


Directors present

President Harry Boynton, , Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, , Chris Liller, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates , Dan Eaton and Real Bazin

The meeting was called to order at 1900 Hrs.

Guest- None

Meeting Minute

A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director March to accept the minutes from the Dec, 11th meeting. Motion passed

Treasures Report

A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director Bazin to accept the treasures report. Motion passed

Coordinators Report

Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director March made a motion to accept the report, Director Liller second the motion. Motion passed

By-Laws- No report

Regional Training

Chief Laskey seminar will be held May2, 2020

Public Relations- No report

Old Business

Radio Tech, working on job description, with changes in radios the job has changed some

Roof hatch has been taken care of, so job is done

New Business

Feb. 25th there will be a meeting with Chiefs from the system to talk about how Spotted Dog and Sinirji can help the dispatchers if info is standard for reporting personnel.

Part time position has been posted for the Up-fitting and Radio Shop as needed.

Personnel- No report


Richmond Fire Chief sent a message about how great the system worked for a recent emergency they had had.

Open Discussion

Next meeting moved to March 11, 2020

Director Eaton moved to adjourn, second by Director Nelson Motion passed.

Submitted by

Director Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

December 11, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Jay Wilson, Harry Nelson, Ken March, Tom Bates, and Real Bazin



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of November 20, 2019 through December 11, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


December 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 414,388.43 Outstanding $ 180,953.49 MBIA Operation $ 1,721.71 Buyout $ 41,517.79 Reserve $ 38,271.93 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,454.78 Capital Reserve $ 152,116.21 Capital Improvement $ 5,142.80 Organization Checking $ 36,496.54 Outstanding $ 450.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Chief Lasky Seminar “pride and ownership” on May 2, 2020 at 9 am.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated he is working continually working on refining a job description and reaching out to the National Guard for recruitment.


·         Chief Sangermano the negotiations with the Union has gone well and he is waiting to hear back from them.  




Chief Sangermano the radio and up fitting job analysis has been completed by the committee. The committee meet with each member to review their job tasks to write up job descriptions for everyone. Chief Sangermano also stated the up fitting shop would like to move forward with filling a full time position starting Jan 5, 2020. They have interviewed candidates and are waiting to hear back from one they selected.


Director Nelson made a motion to provide a $100 Gift Certificate for each of the Dispatchers as a Holiday gift and thank you for all of their hard work this year. Motion was seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the motion. Motion passed.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report






The meeting was adjourned at 1945 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 20, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Jay Wilson, Harry Nelson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept October, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barne seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of October 16, 2019 through November 20, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Barnes, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


November 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 575,479.70 Outstanding $ 334,839.02 MBIA Operation $ 1,719.38 Buyout $ 41,461.60 Reserve $ 38,271.93 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,454.36 Capital Reserve $ 152,092.04 Capital Improvement $ 5,142.80 Organization Checking $ 32,940.52 Outstanding $ 450.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to Report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated he is working continually working on refining a job description and reaching out to the National Guard for recruitment.


·         Chief Sangermano the negotiations with the Union has gone well and he is waiting to hear back from them.  




Chief Sangermano presented the 2020 budget to the Board. He stated the only increases were to health, workers comp, salaries, and dental insurance which increased the budget by 3%. After some discussion Director Real made a motion and seconded by Director Nelson to except the 2020 budget as presented. A vote by the board members present to accept the 2020 budget as presented, unanimously passed.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Chief Sangermano read a letter from the Brattleboro Vt. Police regarding how great the outfitting department was to work with.    




The meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes of Oct. 9, 2019


Directors present


President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken

March, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Chris Liller, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates and Dan Eaton


The meeting was called to order at 1930 hours.


Guest- None


Meeting Minutes


A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Vice President Goddard to accept the

minutes from the Oct 9th meeting. Motion passed


Treasures Report


A motion was made by Director Liller and seconded by Vice President Goddard to accept the

treasures report. Motion passed


Coordinators Report


Coordinators report was given by Chief Sangermano, Director Eaton made a motion to accept

the report, Vice President Goddard second the motion. Motion passed


By-Laws No report


Training No report


Regional Training No report


Public Relations No report


Old Business


Radio Tech, still in communication with the state on leads


Negotiations, first meeting was Monday the 7th, no proposal yet, set ground rules, next meeting

Nov. 5th 9-11.


New Business


Ramp work, to repair holes and install a railing, the est. was $4000, a motion was made by

Director Eaton and seconded by Vice President Goddard to have the Chief to get the work done.

Motion passed.



Merit Award for the dispatch was presented to Lt Matt Yeatman, and Eric Kazlouskas, great job!


VT 211 Cares, Vice President Goddard spoke on how the mapping system works, there was

some confusion on how info was provided, he will do a follow up.


There was discussion on a site at Maple Valley ski area, more testing to be done


Fire Alarms, the Chief explained how it works, he is checking into updates for better systems,

hoping to get away from dial up service


Replacing PC’s in the dispatch center is in place, hopefully by year end will have one dispatch position done as a test.


Personnel No report


Correspondence No report


Open Discussion


Next meeting moved to Nov. 20th


Director Eaton moved to adjourn, second by Director Wilson, Motion passed.


Submitted by

Director Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

September 11, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Ken March, Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, and Harry Nelson



The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept August 14, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August 22, 2019 through September 11, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Goddard, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


September 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 712,059.63 Outstanding $ 514,968.10 MBIA Operation $ 1,713.72 Buyout $ 41,325.15 Reserve $ 38,145.98 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,453.47 Capital Reserve $ 152,040.36 Capital Improvement $ 5,142.36 Organization Checking $ 32,737.73 Outstanding $ 450.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to Report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Director Eaton would like the Board to continue discussing the radio technician positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates. Chief Sangermano stated he is working currently on a job description and has reach out to the National Guard for recruitment.


·         Chief Sangermano stated they have not heard back from the Londonderry Selectman on the issues they were having. The radio repair shop will be going out to check the equipment at the end of October.


·         Chief Sangermano has received communications from the Union on contract negotiations. They sent dates for September and the Board felt they were too soon and asked Chief Sangermano to reach back out and move the dates to October.  




Chief Sangermano stated the AC unit went down and the cost to get it back up and running was $14,824.00 approximately. Chief Sangermano contacted the Board President communicating the issue. The Board would not meet for several weeks and the unit needs to be replaced quickly. The President contact the E Board via email to get discussion and approval to spend the money to get the unit up and running. 


Chief Sangermano contact R.B. Allen will be at dispatch on September 22 to fix or repair the unit to be able to link the two units together.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report   




The meeting was adjourned at 1930 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

August 14, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Bates, and Dan Eaton



The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept July 10, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of July 23, 2019 through August 14, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


August 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 848,570.93 Outstanding $ 519,497.80 MBIA Operation $ 1,710.68 Buyout $ 41,251.75 Reserve $ 38,078.23 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,453.04 Capital Reserve $ 152,015.39 Capital Improvement $ 5,142.15 Organization Checking $ 32,736.38 Outstanding $ 450.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to Report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Director Eaton would like the Board to continue discussing the radio technician positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates. Chief Sangermano stated he is working currently on a job description and has reach out to the National Guard for recruitment.


·         Chief Sangermano stated they have not heard back from the Londonderry Selectman on the issues they were having. The radio repair shop will be going out to check the equipment.


·         Chief Sangermano has not received any further communications from the Union on contract negotiations.  




Chief Sangermano stated the old HVAC unit needs to be removed and capped. Chief Sangermano showed three quotes to complete what is needed. A brief discussion among the Directors and a motion was made by Director Eaton to have the work completed. Second by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to have the work completed. Motion passed


There was a discussion on the Alarm Monitoring System- A question is “why we are not UL approved”, we have the equipment. There have been several companies for the past few years who are taking business away from us and we need to figure a way to generate more alarm business and have those businesses come back to us. Chief Sangermano stated he has tried to contact R.B. Allen several times however no one has gotten back to him.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report   




The meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 10, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, Dan Eaton, Ken March and Real Bazin.



The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None.



A motion was made by Director Real, seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept June 12, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Real seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of June 17, 2019 through July 7, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Barnes, seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


July 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 775,269.05 Outstanding $ 732,684.81 MBIA Operation $ 1,707.44 Buyout $ 41,173.70 Reserve $ 38,006.18 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,452.57 Capital Reserve $ 151,987.90 Capital Improvement $ 5,141.92 Organization Checking $ 32,733.64 Outstanding $ 450.00



 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – We should contact our members to see if there is any interest for training this fall.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Director Real asked if there was any additional correspondence with Londonderry Vt.. Chief Sangermano stated he has tried to contact Londonderry at this moment they are playing phone tag. Chief Sangermano stated he will continue to follow up with them.


·         Director Eaton would like the Board to continue discussing the radio technician positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates. Chief Sangermano stated he is working currently on a job description.


·         Chief Sangermano received a letter from the Union on contract negotiations for 2020. The Chief stated we should start to review the contract soon. Chief Sangermano stated he has not heard from the union since they sent the letter and he responded back to them.




Nothing now



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Chief Sangermano received a Thank you letter from Monadnock Paper Mill and sent a small contribution of $200.00.   




The meeting was adjourned at 1950


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

June 12, 2019



            President Harry Boynton, Vice President Tom Goddard, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Harry Nelson, Dan Eaton, Ken March and Real Bazin.



The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Vice President Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept May 8, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Vice President Goddard seconded by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of May 15, 2019 through June 12, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Goddard, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


June 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 866,928.27 Outstanding $ 761,646.24 MBIA Operation $ 1,704.22 Buyout $ 41,096.04 Reserve $ 37,934.49 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,452.17 Capital Reserve $ 151,964.59 Capital Improvement $ 5,141.72 Organization Checking $ 33,947.10 Outstanding $ 450.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – We should contact our members to see if there is any interest for training this fall.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano will be contacting Chief Officers of the Londonderry Vt area to see how their equipment is receiving and transmission communication to dispatch.


·         Director Eaton would like the Board to continue discussing the radio technique positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.


·         Chief Sangermano received a letter from the Union on contract negotiations for 2020. The Chief stated we should start review the contract seen. The was a brief discussion about who would be on the negotiation committee. The President, Vice President, and Chief Coordinator stated they would be on the committee. President Boynton asked if they are any other Board member who would be willing to be on the committee to please contact him.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he would like to meet with the electrical company and discuss their remote disconnects. Are their radios interfering with transmitting and receiving equipment?   




  • Chief Sangermano discussed our radio system. It is time to start thinking about a new simulcast system, ours is about 10 years old, the equipment is past it’s life and it is becoming hard and hard to find replacement parts. Chief Sangermano also has been looking for grant money and at this time they are not available.

Chief Sangermano also stated the State of NH is going to be upgrading their Quantar system and we might be able to receive their old ones to limp along our current system if it goes down.


  • MAC1 contract has expired and is up for renewal. There was a discussion about the contract length and merit increases.

Vice President Goddard made a motion to present Chief Sangermano with a three (3) year contract with a three (3)% increase for each year. Motion was seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present. Motion passed


The Board would like to Thank Chief Sangermano for his dedication and hard work to our System, Great Performance, and Thank you.




PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2100


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

May 8, 2019



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin.



The meeting was called to order at 1902 hours.


GUEST – Representative from Symposium provided a presentation.



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Vice President Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept March 13, 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of March, 2019 through May 8, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


May 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 1,035,990.41 Outstanding $ 778,395.82 MBIA Operation $ 1,700.84 Buyout $ 41,014.44 Reserve $ 37,859.17 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,451.27 Capital Reserve $ 151,912.14 Capital Improvement $ 5,141.28 Organization Checking $ 33,926.00 Outstanding $ 450.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated the Annual meeting of SWNHDFMA went very well and the venue everyone seemed to enjoy. The staff there provided good service.


·         Chief Sangermano had a meeting in Londonderry VT to present the results of data take on equipment for reception and transmission.


·         Director Eaton would like the Board to continue discussing the radio technique positions as there are a few employees who could retire soon and wants to make sure we start actively seek out candidates.




  • Chief Sangermano stated TERT will be holding their annual rally at Loon Mountain on Friday May 10, 2019.


  • Chief Sangermano stated the Forestry Drill being held in Marlow on May 18th has been cancelled. Also there will be an ICS 400 class held at SWNHDFMA in the next week.


  • Chief Sangermano received a letter from the Union on contract negotiations for 2020. The Chief stated we should start to review the contract soon.


·         Election of Board officers,

o   President – Harry Boynton was nominated by Director Barnes and second by Director March and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Harry Boynton as President. Motion Passed

o   Vice President – Tom Goddard nominated by Director Boynton and second by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Tom Goddard as Vice President. Motion Passed

o   Treasurer – Chris Liller nominated by Director Boynton and second by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Chris Liller as Treasurer. Motion Passed

o   Secretary – Ted Tillson nominated by Director March and second by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Ted Tillson as Secretary. Motion Passed

o   The Board Thanked Director March for his service as President of the Board.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2043


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 13, 2019



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin.



The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Barnes, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept February 2019 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Goddard seconded by Vice President Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of January, February 17, 2019, through March 13, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


March 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 895,676.37 Outstanding $ 1,165,651.10 MBIA Operation $ 1,694.04 Buyout $ 40,850.41 Reserve $ 37,707.76 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,450.45 Capital Reserve $ 151,864.70 Capital Improvement $ 5,141.45 Organization Checking $ 34,220.48 Outstanding $ 600.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         A discussion of the radio repair shop was conducted. The discussion included technology up -grades, frequencies and usage, as well as starting to look for qualified personal to replace those who will be retiring in the future.


·         Chief Sangermano stated the Annual meeting of SWNHDFMA will be held on April 17 at the Keene Country Club, Keene, NH. 


·         Chief Sangermano stated repair staff tested equipment over in Londonderry Vt. All testing went well and he plans to report the findings to the Board of Selectmen.





  • President March ask the board for volunteers to be on the nominating committee for Directors. The nominating committee will be Director Boynton, Director Tillson and Director Eaton.


  • Chief Sangermano stated the Town of Chesterfield was granted a grant for communication which radio repair tried to meet the grant specification which they were not successful.


  • Chief Sangermano stated over the past 8 years activity has increased 35 to 45 % for Saturday and Sundays. At this time there are only two fulltime dispatchers on duty until 1200. With the increase Chief Sangermano states he would like to add a third person from 0800-1200. After some discussion A motion was made by Director Bazin to add a third person and second by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the motion as presented. Motion passed.



PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2030


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

                   Board of Director’s Meeting

                           February 13, 2019 

Directors Present: President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasurer Chris Liller, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton.

The meeting was called to order by President Ken March at 19:00 Hrs.

Guests: None

Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director Nelson to accept the January 9, 2019 minutes. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report of where we stand financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton and seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted on by board members present to accept the current treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed.

Coordinators Report: Chief Sangermano presented a report of his activities that are above the normal day to day activities from January 21, 2019 through February 13, 2018. A motion was made by Director Barnes and seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted on by the board members present to accept the Coordinators Report. Motion Passed. 

Old Business:

Charlestown: The settlement check from Charlestown has been received and deposited.


New Business:

Londonderry VT: Chief Sangermano provided the Directors present with a copy of a letter from the Londonderry VT Select Board.  The letter states that communications equipment provided by SWNHDFMA is unable to adequately provide responders with consistent communication claiming radio interference related to bandwidth. There was much discussion about the numerous tests in recent history regarding past complaints of the problem. Past tests have proven that the transmitting equipment is working properly. The equipment will be tested again in the very near future and the Select Board will be contacted with the results and to discuss any improvements that may need to be done to improve quality.

Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting will be held on April 17, 2019.

Radio Shop: Director Eaton asked about the status of the radio shop and employees. Chief Sangermano reported that Colby Howard has been hired part time to work in our Outfitting Division 30 hours per week with possibility of a fulltime position in the future. Management procedures are now in place for more efficient invoicing, tracking projects, time recording, and shipping costs. We are currently looking for Veterans trained in radio repair.

Sinirji / Spotted Dog: There was a discussion among directors about the differences and preferences of those departments using Sinirji and Spotted Dog. Sinirji is more interactive with our Cad system because it is provided by Symposium who is our Cad vendor.

Personnel Issues: An employee has inquired about adding a domestic partner to their health insurance. After much discussion it was decided to be put on the agenda for the March Board Meeting.

Correspondence: None

Open Discussion: Nothing to report.

A motion was made by Director Nelson and seconded by Director Barnes to adjourn. Motion passed

The meeting was adjourned at 20:35 Hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Harry R. Boynton, Vice President / Acting Recording Secretary       

  Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

January 9, 2019



            Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson, Dan Eaton, and Real Bazin


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept December 12, 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Goddard seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of December 12, 2018 through January 9, 2019 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


January 2019 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 121,323.67 Outstanding $ 2,192,854.43 MBIA Operation $ 1,687.43 Buyout $ 40,690.97 Reserve $ 37,560.59 Radio Repair Checking $ 10,449.56 Capital Reserve $ 151,813.11 Capital Improvement $ 5,140.44 Organization Checking $ 34,216.15 Outstanding $ 600.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated Attorney Adam Kossayda is working on the final paperwork for the agreement and this document will then be signed. All of the paperwork filed with the court has been cancelled.


·         To assist the Emergency Products Division they have hired part time (30hr) Colby Howard. Chief Sangermano states everything seems to be going well and has had discussion with Colby on what other things he would like to learn.





·         A discussion of the radio repair shop was conducted. The discussion included technology up -grades, frequencies and usage, as well as starting to look for qualified personal to replace those who will be retiring in the future.


·         Chief Sangermano stated they are working on a second talk back frequency.


·         There was a small discussion on the use of KCF415.


PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2022


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

December 12, 2018



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin.


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Goddard seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of November 27, 2018 through December 12, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed


December 2018 Account Summaries

 Operations Checking $ 247,616.52 Outstanding $ 245,497.21 MBIA Operation $ 1,684.17 Buyout $ 40,612.27 Reserve $ 37,487.95 Radio Repair Checking 10.449.14 Capital Reserve $ 151,788.16 Capital Improvement $ 5,140.44 Organization Checking $ 34,205.00 Outstanding $ 600.00




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated Attorney Adam Kossayda wrote an agreement between the entities. Based on what the Judge wrote we should have our attorney review the wording in the By-Laws.





  • To assist the Emergency Products Division they have hired part time Colby Howard.


PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2000


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary

     Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

November 14, 2018


  Directors Present

Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Tom Bates, Harry Nelson, Tom Goddard, Dan Eaton, Chris Liller, Harry Boynton

Meeting Called to order at 1900Hours


Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Director Wilson seconded by Director Nelson to accept the minutes, motion passed

Treasures Report

A motion was made by Director Nelson, Second by Director Liller to accept the Treasures report, motion passed

Chief’s Report

Chief Sangermano filled us in on his activities for the month, Director Goddard made a motion, Director Bates second the motion to accept the report, motion passed

By-Laws Committee- Nothing to report

Regional Training

The training is all set for the 9-22

Public Relations- None

Old Business

Charlestown-Lawyer still working on it

19:22 Moved to recess meeting made by Director Eaton second by Director Wilson

We had discussion with a county rep on the issues with Ambulance services in the county, they are trying to get info together to study the problem
 Reconvene at 20:00 Motion made by Director Eaton second by Director Wilson

Old havac system will be removed, need to cap over after

Radio shop continues to improve with guidance from the Deputy’s

New Business

Telco/First light: Phone problem for NH not ringing into dispatch, going back to Concord, from the Chief, the problem appears to be fixed

2019 Budget: Director Eaton made a motion to approve the budget, second by Director Wilson, motion passed

Director Eaton spoke about grants available for radios and Apps that are available, he is in hopes the repair shop will get some of the work

Director Nelson made a motion for gifts for the employees of the system, second by Director Liller

Personal issue: None

Motion to adjourn by Director Liller second by Director Goddard at 20:30


Minutes submitted by

Director Curtis Barnes

     Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

                        Board of Directors Meeting

                                October 10, 2018

Meeting called to order at 1900

Directors Present: President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasurer Chris Liller, Chief Joe Sangermano, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin, Harry Nelson, and Jay Wilson.

Guests: None

Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Treasurer Liller, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the September 2018 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report: Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where the district is financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Treasurer Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasurers report. Motion passed.

Chief Coordinators Report: Chief Sangermano presented a report of his activities that are above the day to day operational activities from September 19th through October 10th. A motion was made by Director Bazin, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted on by the board members present to accept the Chief Coordinators Report. Motion passed.


Committee Reports: By-Law Committee: Nothing to report.

                                   Regional Training Committee: Nothing                                           

                                    to report.

                                    Public Relations Committee: Nothing to                       


Old Business:

Charlestown: Chief Sangermano has had discussions with our lawyer. There has been no mediation date set as of yet prior to the trial. This is something that needs to happen, but there has been no response from Charlestown in an effort to set a date.

Back Shed Roof: Repairs have been completed.

Portable Tower: The landowner on Putney Mountain has decided that he does not want the tower on his property.

New part time dispatchers: We have 4 new hires that are doing well. They will soon start the third person coverage position.

EMS Agency Meeting: Trying to schedule another meeting.

Symposium: Symposium is going to start charging. There has been some discussion as to why Mutual will not pay the fee. The Directors are in agreement that we should not pay.

SymQuest: No proposal for upgrade as of yet.


New Business:

APCO-Atlantic: Conference in Mystic Connecticut starts October 15th.

Fire Symposium (NHFA): The Chief and Deputies will be attending.

Old HVAC: Chief Sangermano has contacted Phil’s Crane Service about removing the old roof top HVAC unit.

ICS 300: We will be hosting an ICS 300 class at our headquarters building 12/13 through 12/19.

Insurance: Chief Sangermano has received notice that health insurance will increase 10.5% and dental will increase 2.3% for the next budget year.

Personnel Issues.

 Chief Sangermano met with the radio shop staff and some recent issues were resolved. He has also implemented a new work order to invoice plan as well as an inventory procedure that will reduce redundant inventory.

Correspondence: None

A motion was made by Treasurer Liller, seconded by Director Nelson to adjourn. Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 20:07.

Respectfully submitted:

Harry Boynton, VP / Acting Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2018


Directors Present

President Ken March, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Curt Barnes, Jay Wilson, Tom Bates, Harry Nelson, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin, Dan Eaton, Chris Liller.

Meeting Called to order at 1900Hours


Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Wilson to accept the minutes, motion passed

Treasures Report

A motion was made by Director Goddard, Second by Director Wilson to accept the minutes, motion passed

Chief’s Report

Chief Sangermano filled us in on his activities for the month, Director Goddard made a motion, Director Wilson second the motion to accept the report, motion passed

By-Laws Committee- Nothing to report

Regional Training

The training is all set for the 9-22

Public Relations- None

Old Business

Charlestown-Lawyer still working on it

Shed Roof

Chief is working on getting a date for the work to get done.

Portable Tower

Is ready to go

Part time Dispatchers

4 are starting training on 8-1; they are almost ready to start

New Business

EMS Meeting- No date set yet


The Chief has filled us in that after the first of the year this will not be free for viewing anymore, Symposium was looking for us to endorse there system, after discussion we choose not to, the Chief will provide info to them as needed. A motion was made by Director Bazin and seconded by Director Goddard not to endorse the cad vendor, motion passed

Spotted Dog

No meeting set up yet

Jaffrey Fire works

Lt.French covered this event


The Chief stated that Car1 had a slight accident; it has been repaired and paid for thru our insurance company


IT equipment, server and back up device are at the end of warranty; Chief is looking at cost of another server in place of extended warranty

BF Alarms

Country time is still having problems with the Walpole switching station; maybe a VT number would help to handle the alarms? The Chief is still working on getting our system UL approved

Director Eaton asked about the time frame of bills coming out of the repair center, the Chief stated that they are working on the problem.

Ware has asked to be dispatched by our system, Chief is checking into this for them

20:15 Moved into nonpublic session, motion to do so by Director Goddard, second by President March, motion passed

20:45 Motion to move out of nonpublic session and seal the minutes by Director Eaton, second by Director Goddard, motion passed

Working on 3rd dispatcher target date is 3rd week of Oct.

Ever source not meeting yet, Chief has a resource in place to help with our sites

Director Bates talked about radio use and not cutting off transmissions

Correspondence- None

Open Discussion


Director Bates made a motion to adjourn, second by Director Barnes at 22:00

Respectfully Submitted

Curtis Barnes

Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

July 11, 2018



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Harry Nelson, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin.


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept June 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of June 18, 2018 through July 11, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed





 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – On September 22, 2018 at the Best Western Hotel in Keene 13:30 to 16:30 will be a seminar with Detective Jerry Kane and Battalion Chief Bob Keys. They will be discussing the Line of Duty Death, 9/11 and resiliency.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.


·         Chief Sangermano stated Attorney Adam Kossayda needs more information to move forward.


·         Chief Sangermano stated the shed roof needs to be replaced, he has received more quotes; Jancewiks & Son $12,860.00, DA Brothers $7,500.00 and Guyer & Son $5,665.00. Discussion on all of these quotes. Vice President Boynton made a motion to use Guyer & Son to complete the work.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he will be contacting departments on Spotted Dog training, he will ask for two people from each department to be admins for their department. The training will provide consistency among all members and is tentatively scheduled for some time in September.


·         Chief Sangermano would like to get all of the EMS personal back in September for a follow up meeting. No date has been set.


·         Chief Sangermano stated SWNHDFMA is starting the hiring process for part-time dispatchers. Currently they have 17 applications and have narrowed the list to 5.  





·         Chief Sangermano stated SWNHDFMA is looking into finding the right person who has knowledge in IT, Radios, programing, can climb towers, etc.…




·         Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3 II(a) Personnel Matter(s)

Motion was made by Director Goddard to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a) Personnel Matter(s), seconded by Vice President Boynton.  All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered nonpublic session at 7:45 p.m. Present was President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Harry Nelson,Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Real Bazin.

Motion was made by Director Goddard to come out of non-public session, seconded by Vice President Boynton. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 8:05 pm.

Motion was made by Director Goddard to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by Vice President Boynton. All were in favor and the motion passed.


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2025


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

June 13, 2018



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept May 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of May 11, 2018 through June 13, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – On September 22, 2018 at the Best Western Hotel in Keene 13:30 to 16:30 will be a seminar with Detective Jerry Kane and Battalion Chief Bob Keys. They will be discussing the Line of Duty Death, 9/11 and resiliency.


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.


·         Chief Sangermano stated Attorney Adam Kossayda needs more information to move forward.


·         Chief Sangermano stated the shed roof needs to be replaced, he has received more quotes; Jancewiks & Son $12,860.00, DA Brothers $7,500.00 and Guyer & Son $5,665.00. Discussion on all of these quotes. Vice President Boynton made a motion to use Guyer & Son to complete the work.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he will be contacting departments on Spotted Dog training, he will ask for two people from each department to be admins for their department. The training will provide consistency among all members and is tentatively scheduled for some time in September.


·         Chief Sangermano would like to get all of the EMS personal back in September for a follow up meeting.





·         Chief Sangermano stated SWNHDFMA is starting the hiring process for part-time dispatchers. Currently they have 16 applications they will be moving forward with.




·         Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3 II(a) Personnel Matter(s)

Motion was made by Director Eaton to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a) Personnel Matter(s), seconded by Vice President Boynton.  All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered nonpublic session at 7:45 p.m. Present was President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.

Motion was made by Director Eaton to come out of non-public session, seconded by Vice President Boynton. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 8:05 pm.

Motion was made by Director Eaton to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by Vice President Boynton. All were in favor and the motion passed.


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2015


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

May 9, 2018



            President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Joe Sangermano, Directors Tom Bates, Harry Nelson, Jay Wilson and Dan Eaton.


The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept March 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Sangermano provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.




Chief Sangermano presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of April 30, 2018 through May 7, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Vice President Boynton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.




 By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Sangermano stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.


·         Chief Sangermano stated Attorney Adam Kossayda needs more information to move forward.


·         Chief Sangermano stated the annual meeting went well and was attended by the membership




·         Chief Sangermano stated the shed roof needs to be replaced, and he has received two quotes and is waiting for two more to come in. Director Eaton stated he should ask for a quote from Guyer & Son.


·         Chief Sangermano stated SWNHDFMA will be hosting the NH TERT Rally on Friday May 11th.


·         Chief Sangermano stated he will be contacting departments on Spotted Dog training, he will ask for two people from each department to be admins for their department. The training will provide consistency among all members.


·         Election of Board officers,

o   President – Ken March was nominated by Director Nelson and second by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Ken March as President. Motion Passed

o   Vice President - Harry Boynton nominated by Director Nelson and second by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Harry Boynton as Vice President. Motion Passed

o   Treasure – Chris Liller nominated by Director Nelson and second by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Chris Liller as Treasure. Motion Passed

o   Secretary – Ted Tillson nominated by Director Nelson and second by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Ted Tillson as Secretary. Motion Passed







CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2005


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary



Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

February 14, 2018



            Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Curt Barnes, Harry Nelson, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.


The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept January 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of January 11, 2018 through February 14, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Barnes, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.




 By-Laws Committee – The committee presented a proposed draft of the By-Law to the Board outlining what an automatic response, contracted services, and primary protection. A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Bazin and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the By-Law committee’s proposed changes. Motion passed. See attached for proposed By-Law changes


Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Chief Tirrell has some information from Attorney Adam Kossayda

               NON-PUBLIC SESSIONS

·            Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3, II (l) Consideration of legal advice  

Motion was made by Director Eaton to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (l) Consideration of legal advice provided by legal counsel, either in writing or orally, to one or more members of the public body, even where legal counsel is not present., seconded by Director Barnes. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered nonpublic session at 1935 p.m. Present was Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Curt Barnes, Harry Nelson, Real Bazin, Chris Liller and Dan Eaton. Also present was Chief Tirrell and Recording Secretary Theodore Tillson.


Motion was made by Director Eaton to come out of non-public session, seconded by Director Barnes. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 1950 pm.


Motion was made by Director Eaton to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by Barnes. All were in favor and the motion passed.


·         Chief Tirrell stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.


·         Pitcher Tower is up and running well, this should provide better coverage to the Stoddard and Marlow areas.


·         Fitzwilliam tower is almost completed we are just waiting on wye valley to take down equipment.


·         Director Eaton discussed FirstNet and the State of NH at the last minute decided to go with AT&T. A long discussion on the pros and cons of the decision that was made.


·         Chief Tirrell stated the Annual meeting of SWNHDFMA will be held on April 18 at the Best Western in Keene, NH. 


o   A presentation from FirstNet will be conducted at the annual meeting


o   Discuss talk back frequency, code black, remind members only one member of the department need to contact dispatch




  • Chief Tirrell presented a letter stating effective April 27th he will be retiring as the Chief of SWNHDFMA. The Board regrettably accepted the letter. The Board had a discussing on the process and who would replace Chief Tirrell. After must discussion the Board members present Stated we should promote within.



Non-public session(s) per RSA 91-A:3, II (b) Hiring of Public Employee(s)

Motion was made by Director Eaton to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(b) Hiring of Public Employee(s) seconded by Director Barnes. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. The Board entered nonpublic session at 2000 p.m. Present was Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Curt Barnes, Harry Nelson, Real Bazin, Chris Liller and Dan Eaton. Also present was Chief Tirrell and Recording Secretary Theodore Tillson.

Motion was made by Director Eaton to come out of non-public session, seconded by Director Barnes. All in favor by Roll Call and the motion passed. Non-public session ended at 2030 pm.

Motion was made by Director Eaton to seal the minutes because divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person other than a member of this Board, seconded by Barnes. All were in favor and the motion passed.


PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Letter from Chief Tirrell


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2105


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary




Purposed By-Law changes for 2018


Article VIII       Duties of Members


It shall be the duty of the members, acting through their respective fire departments and/or emergency medical services, when called by the Dispatch Center of this corporation, to donate the aid requested by the Dispatch Center to the city, town, village or fire district within the State of New Hampshire or outside of this State, for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, rendering emergency medical services or other emergency assistance, or performing any detail as requested or receiving such services in accordance with RSA154:24, other statutory authority and the Articles and By-Laws of the Association area which as requested such aid and to conform in all other respects to the plan or plans for coordinating the services of all fire departments belonging to the corporation as established from time to time by the Board of Directors. It is understood that the authority vested in the chief of the department requesting the assistance shall prevail and that all assisting departments shall be under their jurisdiction or that of their senior officer present at the incident. It is also understood that these obligations may be waived when local equipment is already engaged within the locality and cannot be spared at the time of the request. It is also understood that these obligation shall not alter any previous commitments made by members to other towns, cities or districts in regard to financial reimbursement for fire protection and/or emergency medical srevices. The members agree to keep the Dispatch Center constantly advised of the kinds and number of equipment available and of charges in equipment. The members further agree that all requests for assistance will be made to the Dispatch Center and not directly to other members and that all dispatching of mutual aid assistance will be handled from said


Article VIII-B   Dispatched and Non-Dispatched Members

B. Dispatched Members receive the following services:


1. Taking initial call.

2. Toning of pagers.

3. Activating fire alarm, if necessary.

4. Announcing of incident.

5. Conduct all emergency communication traffic.

6. Activate running card.

7. Record all phone and radio information.

8. Maintain electronic records, including times, of all incidents.

9. Monitoring all calls on primary frequencies.

10. Guarantee mutual aid requests.

11. Conducting communications of service calls.

12. Offer radio repair services.

13. Test toning on either a scheduled basis or on request.






C. Dispatched Members who have Contracted Services:

The term “contracted Services” shall refer to those services specifically furnished by a responding municipality or agency and may include primary coverage, as defined herein, as well as other fire and emergency medical service response, equipment or personnel as may be specifically stated in a valid agreement between the parties. Contracted Services shall not necessarily be limited to primary coverage unless specifically stated in the agreement between a requesting and responding municipality(s)/agency(s).


            D. Dispatched Members who receive/provide Primary Protection:

The term “primary protection” or primary coverage” shall refer to providing of an adequate first response to an emergency fire, emergency medical service or other service dispatched by the association. Primary coverage shall mean a municipality has the necessary equipment and personnel to meet all reasonably anticipated emergency circumstances within their municipality in terms of either fire or emergency medical service response. Such capacity shall not be deemed to mean that a community must be able to meet and successfully address and conceivable emergency within a municipality but rather to address, pursuant to current standards within or without the State, those fire and medical emergencies which either routinely arise within the community or are foreseeable to reasonably arise. Primary coverage may be provided either by a member municipality directly for its own benefit or by entering into an agreement for providing of said coverage by another municipality or agency in the form of automatic response or contracted services. Mutual Aid as dispatched by the Association and defined herein, shall not be utilized for the provision of primary coverage.  













Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid

Board of Director’s Meeting

January 10, 2018



            President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Curt Barnes, Harry Nelson, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.


The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.


GUEST – None



A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept January 2018 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.



            Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.



Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of December 14, 2017 through January 10, 2018 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.




·       By-Laws Committee – The committee for February meeting will provide a By-Law draft to the    Board outlining what an automatic response, contracted services, and primary protection).


·         Regional Training Committee – Nothing to report


·            Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report




·         Attorney Adam Kossayda has filed all of the necessary paperwork with the court for moving forward. Chief Tirrell is waiting on Attorney Adams for any follow up needed.


·         Chief Tirrell stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.


·         Pitcher Tower is up and running well, this should provide better coverage to the Stoddard and Marlow areas.


·         Fitzwilliam tower is almost completed we are just waiting on wye valley to take down equipment.


·         Director Eaton discussed FirstNet and the State of NH at the last minute decided to go with AT&T. A long discussion on the pros and cons of the decision that was made.




·         Chief Tirrell stated the Annual meeting of SWNHDFMA will be held on April 18 at the Best Western in Keene, NH.  


·         Chief Tirrell purposed the purchase of a new sign for the SWNHDFMA building. Chief Tirrell showed a design and a cost for the sign. The new sign would cost $850.00 this includes installation. Keene sign works would be making the sign. Director Goddard made a motion to purchase the sign presented for a cost of $850.00, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the purchase of a new sign as presented. Motion passed.





PERSONNEL ISSUES   - Nothing to report


CORRESPONDENCE – Nothing to report 




The meeting was adjourned at 2000


Respectfully Submitted,


Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary












DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Tom Bates, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.

The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

GUEST – None

MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Wilson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept December 2017 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of November 13th through December 13, 2017 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.


• By-Laws Committee – The committee for January meeting will provide a By-Law draft to the Board outlining what an automatic response, contracted services, and primary protection).

• Regional Training Committee – SWNHDFMA has secured a grant from Firefighter support network to train firefighters within SWNHDFMA. Currently there are 15 hoist departments for the class titled “surviving the Insult- interior Benchmarking”. If interested if there are others who would like to hoist please contact Deputy Chief Redin at There has been positive feedback about the training from everyone who has attended.

• Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report


• Attorney Adam Kossayda has filed all of the necessary paperwork with the court for moving forward. Chief Tirrell is waiting on Attorney Adams for any follow up needed.

• Chief Tirrell stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info.

• Pitcher Tower is partially up and running, this should provide better coverage to the Stoddard and Marlow areas. Not all of the equipment is installed but should be by end of week.


• Chief Tirrell stated the Annual meeting of SWNHDFMA will be held on April 18 at the Best Western in Keene, NH.

PERSONNEL ISSUES - There has not been any notification by the union on the grievance filed.


OPEN DISCUSSION – There was a brief discussion on Bellows falls fire department of the hiring of the new chief.

The meeting was adjourned at 2000

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary