DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Jay Wilson, Harry Nelson, Ed Walker, Tom Goddard, Harry Boynton, and Real Bazin
The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.
MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Wilson, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept May 2016 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.
TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure’s report. Motion passed.
COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of May 12, 2016 through June 8, 2016 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.
• By-Laws Committee – Nothing to report
• Regional Training Committee – There was a discussion about having Dr Harry Carter come on September 24th to conduct a training seminar.
• Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report
• The second letter to the Town of Charlestown for payment has been drafted was reviewed by Attorney Prigge. The Board agreed to move forward with procuring back payment.
• Chief Tirrell discussed some ways to reduce the excessive radio usage. By adding an additional frequency to Highland Hill tower (TAC 1) responders could talk back to dispatch while the dispatcher is transmitting on 415. The cost to make this happen is $51,00.00 which would come from the capital reserve funds already established. There was some discussion related to how this would work along with the pros and cons. Director Goddard made a motion to spend up to $51,000.00 to install the Daniels equipment which will allow talk back capabilities. Second by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the motion. Motion Passed.
• Election of Board officers, o President – Ken March was nominated by Director Goddard and second by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Ken March as President. Motion Passed o Vice President - Harry Boynton nominated by Director March and second by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Harry Boynton as Vice President. Motion Passed o Treasure – Chris Liller nominated by Director Nelson and second by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Chris Liller as Treasure. Motion Passed o Secretary – Ted Tillson nominated by Director Liller and second by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Ted Tillson as Secretary. Motion Passed
OPEN DISCUSSION Director Bazin stated Westminster is still having issues with Golden Cross Ambulance not being on the proper radio frequency. Chief Tirrell with follow up
The meeting was adjourned at 2020.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary