Board of Director's Meeting March 11, 2015


DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Vice President Dave Chamberlain, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Tom Redin, Mike Tksczyk and Tom Goddard The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.

GUEST None present

MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Redin, seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept February 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.

TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Redin, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.

COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a comprehensive report on his monthly activities for the months of February 12, 2015 thru March 11, 2015, these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion were made by Director Redin, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.


* By-Laws Committee - At our special meeting we asked fire chief if they would provide some information on what they would like to see in Article VIII-B. We received letters from a few Fire Chief regarding Article VIII-B which were read to the board.

After some discussion a motion was made by Director Goddard pertaining to Non- Dispatched Members under Article VIII-B, "Any current members categorized as Non- Dispatched Members will, as of December 31, 2014 continue being Non-Dispatched Members, however, on or after January 1, 2015, no new Non-Dispatched Members will be accepted into the System". The Motion was seconded by Director Liller and unanimously voted by the Board Members present to accept Director Goddard's motion. Motion passed.

Here is the current By-Law proposed change:

Article VIII-B Dispatched and Non-Dispatched Members Membership in the Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid System is currently in two classes, Dispatched Members and Non-Dispatched Members. The terms and conditions pertaining to Non-Dispatched Members who are in the category as of December 31,

2014 will continue, however, on or after January 1, 2015, no new Non-Dispatched Members will be accepted in the System. The terms and conditions of Dispatched Membership are as follows: A. Dispatched Members are assessed for services based on the following formula:

10% of the annual budget is divided equally among all dispatched members;

40% of the annual budget is divided proportionately among all dispatched members based on the equalized property value of the town;

50% of the annual budget is divided proportionately among all dispatched members based on the latest population count available from the town or state. The Board of Directors may assess additional fees as necessary.

B. Dispatched Members receive the following services: 1. Taking initial call. 2. Toning of pagers. 3. Activating fire alarm, if necessary. 4. Announcing of incident. 5. Conduct all emergency communication traffic. 6. Activate running card. 7. Record all phone and radio information. 8. Maintain electronic records, including times, of all incidents. 9. Monitoring all calls on primary frequencies. 10. Guarantee mutual aid requests. 11. Conducting communications of service calls. 12. Offer radio repair services. 13. Test toning on either a scheduled basis or on request.

Dispatched Members are full members of the System, having obligations and privileges of membership as described in these By-Laws and as enumerated below in subparagraphs A and B above. The terms and conditions of Non-Dispatched Membership for the municipalities who are in that category as of December 31, 2014 are a follows: A. Non-Dispatched Members are assessed flat rate membership dues. B. Non-Dispatched Members are assessed a minimum rate established by Board of Directors. C. Non-Dispatched Members receive the following services that include but are not limited to: 1. Tone pagers and fire alarms of towns in our System for mutual aid. 2. Maintain electronic records, including times, of all incidents. 3. Monitor all calls on primary frequencies. 4. Conducting communications of service calls. 5. Offer radio repair services. 6. Activate running cards.

D. Non-Dispatched Members operate on their own primary frequency. The dispatch frequencies of 154.430, 154.445, and 159.450 may be used when requesting or responding to mutual aid calls.


Non-Dispatched Members may receive regular notice, attend and address meetings of this corporation, but will not be entitled to vote. Any municipality may apply for Non-Dispatched Membership in the Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid System. Any request for membership, or any request for a change in status of membership from any current Non-Dispatched Member to become a Dispatched Member should be directed to the President. The Matter will then be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board shall consider any such applications as it sees fit in the best interest of the System and its membership, and notify the applicant municipality. The final determination on any application for membership in the System or change in status of membership shall rest solely with the Board of Directors. Any municipality may withdraw from the System provided that 90 days written notice is given to the Chief Coordinator or President of the Board advising of the municipality's intent to withdraw. Provided further that a withdrawing municipality will be responsible for its share of the budgeted appropriations for the calendar year during which the withdrawal takes place. In the event a withdrawing municipality gives notice of intent to withdraw on or before September 30 of any year, that municipality's share will not be considered in the budgetary process of the following calendar year. In the event a municipality withdraws from the System, and wishes to rejoin, the municipality must wait for two years from the date of withdrawal to have its application for readmission as a member considered.

A motion was made by Director Redin to accept the proposed By-Law change and present at the annual meeting to the membership for vote, seconded by Director Goddard, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the proposed By-Law change and present at the annual meeting to the membership. Motion passed.

* Regional Training Committee - None

* Public Relations Committee - There are plans to have an open house in the spring.


* Chief Tirrell gave an up-date on the Dispatch and entry area, the majority of the renovation is complete, there are a few small things which need to be completed.

* Do not forget the Annual meeting will be held at the Best Western Hotel in Keene on April 22, 2015. A display of apparatus will be held at 1730 and at 1800 a guest speaker, Hooksett NH Capt. Jesse Gayer will present on a Mayday call of himself while fighting a commercial building fire. The annual meeting will start at 1900 hours.

* Chief Tirrell gave an up-date on the current servers which have been ordered, they will be delivered in 4 to 6 weeks.


* President March has asked Director Boynton, Director Liller, and Director Goddard to head up the nominating committee for director whose three year terms are coming up. The three are Larry Daly, David Chamberlain, Ted Tillson and Tom Redin.

* Chief Tirrell talked to the Board about making a donation to the Herb Herlburt Benefit, Herb has been very active in the organization over the many years and he would like to see the Board make a donation. Director Redin made a motion to donate $1,000.00 to the Herb Herlburt Benefit Auction, seconded by Director Liller, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept Director Redin's motion. Motion Passed.

PERSONNEL ISSUES There was a grievance filed by the union and a reply has been sent. On April 20th there will be an Arbitration hearing.

CORRESPONDENCE Letters from the area Fire Chief's already discussed


The meeting was adjourned at 2035.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary