This is a write-up explaining the drill we will hold on June 2nd & 3rd at HFD (Hinsdale).
This is the 1st time anyone is renting this prop and putting the drill on themselves. Let’s make the best of it and spread the word so that we can all learn a little and have a gathering to get to know our brothers a little better.
We are asking for a $20 per person donation to offset the cost of the rental however if funding is short no one will be turned away. If people donate more than the rental cost the proceeds will be donated to Chris Grover & DTS or the Fallen firefighters association as this is not being set up as a fund raiser for us.
There is a pizza place next door if it is needed, not promising we will supply food.
June 2nd & 3rd from 9 am to 3 pm
You can come for an hour or all day both days it’s up to you!
Please spread the word.
If you plan on attending, you can leave a message at the Hinsdale Fire Dept. 603-336-5512
Leon Dunbar
Capt. HFD
The firefighter training maze
The firefighter training maze is a prop that DTS has designed and built for real world training inside the fire house. It is portable and modular as well as light weight and virtually indestructible. The prop can be changed and adapted to create any number of mazes as well as any number of building and house floor plans.
In a maze configuration it’s all about refinement of skills. Getting familiar with PPE and SCBA as well as basic search patterns and overcoming obstacles are best accomplished utilizing the maze. Building confidence and ensuring the participant can handle the stresses of being a firefighter is the top priority.
Moving on to more real-world scenarios is where DTS and the prop excel. Training in a maze is not realistic and acquired structures are few and far between. The DTS prop can bridge that gap. Using the modular design, the instructors can design any number of building and floor plans from the community, even using doors and windows. What this creates is a platform to use the skills and techniques refined in the maze into a scenario that the firefighter could possibly encounter in their community. We believe this is an invaluable asset to any organization.