Board of Director’s Meeting October 11, 2017
Directors Present: President Ken March, Vice President Harry Boynton, Treasurer Chris Liller, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Jay Wilson, Tom Goddard, Real Bazin, and Dan Eaton.
The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.
Guest – none
Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Director Wilson, seconded by Director Barnes and unanimously voted by the board to accept the minutes from the September 13, 2017 meeting. Motion passed.
Treasures Report: Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Treasurer Liller and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.
Coordinators Report: Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities from September 14th through October 10th. In his report he also stated that the problem with the fiber has been corrected. A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Eaton and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinators report. Motion passed.
Committee Reports: By-Laws Committee: It was agreed that the Directors would review the proposed By-Law changes and act upon them at the November meeting. Regional Training Committee: Billy Greenwood continues to present his program at different locations throughout the system. All reports have been very positive.
Public Relations Committee: Nothing to report.
Old Business:
Charlestown: Chief Tirrell recently met with Attorney Adam Kossayda. Attorney Kossayda believes that this will be settled in mediation instead of court. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board to hold Charlestown responsible for all legal fees incurred by SWNHDFMA regarding this issue. Motion passed.
First Net: Director Eaton reported that the SIEC has recommended to opt out, but the final decision will be made by the governor.
Pitcher Tower: The antenna is up and cables have been run. Should be operational in about a week.
Fitzwilliam Tower: The building is in place and it will take a couple of weeks to run cables. Swanzey: The board members reviewed a document from Swanzey Fire Chief Norman Skantze regarding emergency notification by Fire Mutual Aid for Swanzey Fire Department to EMS calls. Chief Tirrell stated that dispatch has been using this as a guideline for Swanzey since receiving it and that it has reduced retones for Swanzey. There was some discussion questioning if this would set a precedence for other departments to set their own guidelines. The board agreed that it should not be a problem.
Car 2: Chief Tirrell explained his reasoning for assigning the former Car 1 to MAC 2 as Car 2. He explained the mileage reimbursement, nontaxable status, non-personal use, liability coverage, and the fact that the new Car 1 was paid for with grant money. The directors also reviewed the job descriptions for MAC 2 and MAC 3. It was also discussed that the 2006 Explorer in the radio shop would be sold. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted on by the board members present to assign the former Car 1 to MAC 2 as Car 2. Motion passed.
New Business:
Primex: A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Wilson, and unanimously voted on by the board members present to authorize continued participation with Primex. Motion passed and required documents were signed.
Health Trust: A motion was made by Director Liller, seconded by Director Wilson, and unanimously voted on by the board members present to authorize continued participation with Health Trust. Motion passed and required documents were signed. Budget: The preliminary budget was reviewed and discussed by the board members present with action to be taken at the November Board Meeting.
Open Discussion:
Spotted Dog: Director Bazin questioned why the calls in Westminster on I-91 usually do not show on Spotted Dog, but recent calls dispatched by Lt. Yeatman has been shown. Chief Tirrell will ask Lt. Yeatman if he is doing anything different to make those calls show on Spotted Dog. Vacant Board Position: Chief Tirrell reported that he has spoken with Tom Bates of Hancock and that he is interested in filling the position vacated by Director Walker of Peterborough. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Goddard to appoint Tom Bates as a new Director. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:40 hours.
Respectfully submitted, Harry R. Boynton, Vice President, Acting Secretary