Fire Mutual Aid

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CLARIFICATION - On January 2nd we posted that Deputy Chief Bonnie Johnson had 29 years of service. We also stated that she has the most years of service to date of any employee past and present, starting as a dispatcher in 1985 to her present position. Sorry for that wording as it is not correct as stated. The clarification is that we are talking about the 29 years being full time and all the years being in a position in the organization of the employees who still "actively work the board" or still dispatch calls. Although you don't hear the 2 deputies all the time dispatching calls, they are still the 3rd dispatcher on duty week days and dispatch calls when the 2 front line dispatchers get tied up with calls. That being said, Bonnie has the most years in reference to employees who still dispatch calls. Others with more years of service are a combination of full time and part time years (Ed Mattson and Win Wright) and Retired Chief Paul Szoc who had 31 years of full time service (7 of those years as Chief). The Late Chief Callahan also had more years in the fire service (Keene FD) and Fire Mutual Aid and was Mutual Aid Chief from the beginning of the system until 1987. Sorry for the confusion and if anyone was offended. It certainly was not our intent.