Fire Mutual Aid

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Now hanging in my office at Fire Mutual Aid Headquarters is this portrait. It is Chief Donald Holbrook who started Meadowood County Area Fire Department and played a role in the starting up of Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid. Had never seen a picture of him in a Fire Mutual Aid class A uniform. This picture was found at a flea market in Florida by a gentleman who noticed the label on the back, "Scotty's Camera Shop Cypress St. Keene NH". He called the Keene fire station and talked to Captain Burke and described the portrait. I think he paid around 5.00 for it and offered to ship it to Captain Burke free of charge. When it came Captain Burke called me to come see it and then he gave me the portrait to have for Fire Mutual Aid. A big thank you to KFD Captain Burke.Deputy Chief Tom Redin Donald Holbrook