Fire Mutual Aid

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2017 Annual Meeting - April 26, 2017


The annual meeting of the Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid system was called to order at 1910 hours by President Ken March. The Pledge of allegiance was followed by a moment of silence in memory of our fallen members.

President March introduced the members of the Board of Directors who were in attendance: President Ken March, Vice-President Harry Boynton, Treasurer Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Tom Goddard, Dan Eaton, Harry Nelson, Real Brazin, Jay Wilson, Curt Barnes, and Chief Phil Tirrell. He also introduced special guests from FirstNet Mike Varney and John Stevens NH SWIC/SPOC.

John Stevens and Mike Varney provided a short presentation of what FirstNet is all about. FirstNet is the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) which is an independent authority within NTIA to provide emergency responders with the first nationwide, high-speed, broadband network dedicated to public safety. Both stated FirstNet’s plan would be presented to the Governor for approval, if he approves the plan FirstNet could implement the first phase as early as last this fall. However if the Governor do not approve of the plan an alternative plan from Rivada networks would be reviewed.

Deputy Chief Redin read the roll call which showed _32__ departments represented.

The 2016 treasurer’s report was read and a motion was made by Chief Peterson, seconded by Director Boynton and unanimously voted by the members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.

Chief Tirrell presented the following: • Outstanding attendance for 2016 – 2017 to Deputy Joe Sangermano, Lieutenant Kevin Kennedy, and Dispatcher Ashton Nyre. • Years-of-service awards to: Lieutenant Arthur French for 10 y.o.s. Dispatcher Michael Bailey for 15 y.o.s. Deputy Chief Thomas Redin for 25 y.o.s. Lieutenant David Whipple for 30 y.o.s. Chief Tirrell introduced the staff of SWNHDFMA and their years of service. • Deputy Joe Sangermano with 28 yrs • Deputy Thomas Redin with 25 yrs • Lt David Whipple with 30 yrs • Lt Matt Yeatmen with 17 yrs • Lt Kevin Kennedy with 11 yrs • Lt Jay French 10 yrs • Lt Ed Mattson with 39 yrs • Erik Kaslouskas 17 yrs • Kassie Lunderville 8 yrs • Virginia Foote 8 yrs • Ashton Nyre 5 yrs • John Bates 23 yrs • Bobby Maynard 22 yrs • Mike Bailey 15 yrs • Ann Kercewich 8 yrs • Dustin Holmes 7 yrs • Corey Conroy 3 yrs • Ryan Shafer 2 yrs • Joe Amato 1 yr • Alysa Abbott 1 yr

and Radio repair • Cynthia Paquin • Charlie Wright • Julianne Caron-Dale

Chief Tirrell’s coordinator’s report covered some of the accomplishments of the past year.

• Chief Tirrell talked about the different social media to follow SWNHDFMA and thanked Deputy Redin for up-dating. • Chief Tirrell discussed the building renovation in progress (up stairs kitchen, IT/Radio room, new headquarters sign, some brick work outside, he also encouraged everyone to stop by for a tour. • Chief Tirrell briefly spoke about regional training and if anyone knows speakers please contact Deputy Redin or himself. • Chief Tirrell discussed how the building is being used such as, FFI training, EMT training, EMT testing, APCO courses etc….. • SWNHDFMA received a grant from Homeland Security for $79,271.76 to purchase 12 Motorola APX 8000 which are capable of VHF/UHF/700/800. • Chief Tirrell spoke about spotted dog and a new monitor. • Chief Tirrell briefly discussed an EMS meeting which occurred on March 29th with all ambulances within the Mutual Aid System and reviewed an ambulance mutual aid agreement. Another meeting will follow. • Chief Tirrell briefly spoke about the new talk back channel and how it will be used • Chief Tirrell briefly spoke about Code Black and what is all about. Both Deputy Chief Sangermano, and Redin discussed the following items: Town Liaison, CAD program, Digitize alarms, Communication training, Address up-dates, EM live, and MDC codes.

New Business Director Liller Chair of the Nominating Committee reported that three board members (Ken March, Harry Boynton, and Dan Eaton) are standing for re-election. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion were made by Chief Peterson, seconded by Chief D, to cast one vote by the secretary to accept re-electing to above board members, and unanimously voted by the members present to accept the nominees as presented. Motion passed.

The By-Law committee stated there were no changes to present this year.

President March provided an over view of what the board has been working on this past year, most of the items have already been mentioned by Chief Tirrell.

The meeting adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Ted Tillson Secretary