Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid is accepting
resumes for part time dispatchers for the
purpose of filling current openings and developing a
hiring list for future openings. Resumes should be
emailed to Deputy Chief Kassie Lunderville at before 7:00am on July
20, 2023.
Open invitation for people to attend and the organizers are asking if any of Jaffrey's border neighbors or other Towns have an antique hand pump engine that they might want to bring over and display to contact Bruce Hill at
"Role of the Junior Fire Officer".
Light refreshments will be served
Retired Dispatcher Winston Wright Has Passed Away
We were saddened by the news of Winston Wright’s passing. Win worked as a dispatcher for Fire Mutual Aid from 1965 to 2014, nearly 50 years! It was certainly an advantage to have a person with Win’s experience working in Dispatch. Most who knew Win are aware of his vast fire department experience with Fitzwilliam and Meadowood County Area Fire Department, from very early on.
Win served both fire departments in command staff positions for operations, administration and in support of the Meadowood Fire School. As for Fire Mutual Aid, he was one of the most dedicated employees in the history of the System. On one occasion, when Win was called to cover an open shift, he promptly dropped what he was doing, on vacation, and reported to Dispatch. Win’s absence has left a void for many, that will be hard to fill.
Funeral services for Retired Dispatcher Win Wright will be held Friday, 10/28 at 1100 at the Fitzwilliam Community Church 85 Route 119 W. A procession will escort Winston from Fitzwilliam Fire Department to the church. Personnel are requested to meet at Fitzwilliam Fire Department in Class A uniforms at 1000 hrs.