The Staff at the Brattleboro Auto Mall would like to take this opportunity to extend a sincere THANK YOU for what you do to help others everyday!! October 26th, 2019 has been recognized as National First Responders Day and we wanted to take the opportunity to honor you all week.

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Rapid Intervention Crew Course

Course Location: Brattleboro Fire Station and the Vermont Fire Academy

Start Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at the Brattleboro Fire Station

Tentative Course Schedule

Course Times: 0800 to 1700 weekends and 1800 - 2200 weekdays

Application Deadline: October 16, 2019 at 4:00 P.M.

This course will prepare firefighters for the Mayday situation starting with the most essential self-rescue skills and working up to the most complicated team rescue techniques. Lessons within this course outline the equipment needs of a Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC), the techniques necessary upon receiving a RIC assignment, self-rescue techniques, and skills necessary to perform challenging rescues of a downed firefighter. With 55 skill drills, this course is very hands on and task oriented. Skills include performing self-rescue, rapid emergency egress, wall breaching, rapid movement of downed firefighters, through the floor rescues, and much more.

This course has extreme physical demands and participants must be physically fit. Participants must perform significant heavy lifting, hauling, escaping from heights, and working in space-limited conditions throughout the course.

Students may apply by submitting a completed Rapid Intervention Crews Course Admission Application to the Vermont Fire Academy by the application deadline. Seats will be awarded by equal department disbursement. A minimum of 15 students must be registered for this course to be held. Course maximum is 20 students.


All students must be a least 18 years of age to participate and shall have received training that meets or is equivalent to the job performance requirements of Firefighter I per NFPA 1001. A strong Firefighter I skill set is required.


NFPA 1407, Standard for Training Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews, 2015 Edition


Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews, Principles and Practice, Jones and Bartlett Learning, Joe Nedder, 2015

Course Completion:

Students will receive a certificate of completion for this course after fully participating.

Student manuals are not returnable after issuance. The sponsoring department will be charged for the cost of the student manual if a student fails to complete the course.

Please feel free to contact the Vermont Fire Academy with any questions that you may have.