22 years ago today on June 28, 1996 - Flock Fiber Fire in North Walpole. Dispatchers on duty were Dave Carter, David Whipple and Joe Sangermano. 

Click the play button below to listen to the fire.



 21-June 2018


RE: Town of Rindge 250th Parade


The Town of Rindge is celebrating its 250th Anniversary this year and I would like to invite your department to participate in our parade on 11-August 2018. If you are interested in sending apparatus and/or marchers, please fill out the attached application and return it to my office at the address noted on the application or email to the email on the application. The parade line up is at 1245 on School Street in the Town of Rindge. All apparatus participating will enter School Street via NH RT 119 and line up beginning at the Rindge Memorial School.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at 603-899-3324 X11 or rfdchief@town.rindge.nh.us.


Chief Rickard Donovan

FD APPLCIATION for Parade (1)-page0001.jpg


The City of Fitchburg Fire Department once again would like to invite all area Fire Departments to participate in our annual 4th of July Parade. This year’s parade will be held Wednesday July 4th, 2018 starting at 1000 hrs. We ask all companies attending to meet at our Summer St. Fire Station 42 Summer St Fitchburg MA. 01420 for 0845.

As always we welcome hand tubs, antiques, privately owned fire apparatus and communities outside our mutual aid district. We have around 40 pieces of apparatus each year and are always humbled by the turnout, we will have coffee, donuts and some awards to be handed out. We lead the parade which travels down Summer St to Main St to the Upper Common. Companies will not be tied up long. We hope to see you all in Fitchburg on the 4th to celebrate!!!

Disclaimer: Over the past few years we have received a few complaints on the excessive use of the sirens and air horns. We ask as always any companies who participate in the parade use good judgement with the air horns and sirens and make it enjoyable for all the children and parents watching. We ask that we not excessively use the sirens in-between the buildings on Main St. and throughout the parade route! We look forward to seeing you there! Thanks for your help on this matter. 

Be safe,

Lt. Patrick J. Roy

Fitchburg Fire Department

Group 1 Engine 4


Fire Service Educators LLC




NFPA 1403 Live Burn

Combined Operations Training



WHEN:                         June 16th & 17th 2018


TIME:                           Saturday 0800hr to 1600hrs

                                      Sunday    0800hr to 1200hrs


WHERE:                       Carinthia Base Lodge (Mount Snow)

                                      West Dover VT


COST:                           $75.00 Per Student  (All Fee’s Being Dontated)



PREREQUISITES:       Firefighter Level 1 and NFPA Approved PPE



REGISTRATION:        Fire Service Educators Registration Form & Release Waiver


DESCRIPTION:           All course fees are being donated to:


The Ben Tatro Memorial Fund


Students will learn all aspects of combined operations including: advancing attack lines, back up lines, ventilation, search and rescue, and thermal imager camera use




For additional information, contact Bill Shea at 603-521-4644


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid is accepting resumes for part time Communications Specialists for the purpose of filling current openings and developing a hiring list for future openings. Resumes should be mailed to Chief Joe Sangermano, PO Box 443, Keene NH 03431, before 3:00pm on June 12th. Resumes may be dropped off at the dispatch center at 32 Vernon St. in Keene with prior notification.