It is with deep regret that the Wardsboro Fire Department announces the passing of Jesse Parsons.Jesse was a 46 year member of the department, serving as Chief, Assistant Chief and was the president at the time of his passing. During his tenure as Chief, he was responsible for purchasing the first pagers and the department being fully dispatched members of Fire Mutual Aid. There will be a celebration of life on Saturday, Sept 2 at 14:00 hours at the West Wardsboro Cemetery on Route 100 in West Wardsboro. All Fire Department personnel attending the service are asked to meet at the West Wardsboro Cemetery in full dress uniform at 13:30 hours


6 years ago today on August 28, 2011 - Tropical Storm Irene devastated many towns in our dispatch area in Vermont. Pictured is downtown Wilmington and Wilmington Firefighters rescuing a lady from the Viking Motel on East Main St. Downtown picture provided to Fire Mutual Aid. Rescue picture by Devon Spirka.95Flooding 7 082811

TS Irene Water Rescue 95 082811


Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid System was the proud recipient of a grant from The Firefighters Support Foundation to provide free training across our large mutual aid system. Well known instructor, William Greenwood will be presenting Surviving The Insult - 2017 Interior Benchmarking at different locations around our mutual aid system. Please take advantage of this free worthwhile class at a location closest to you. Mark your calendars. 2017 Surviving the Insult

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